R& B's New Bad Boy

Start from the beginning

I chuckled and shook my head at this foolishness.

"He's always involved in some drama. He's trying to be R & B's new bad boy and he needs to stop. The last one we had was Bobby Brown and we all know how tragic that ended. He's as bad as that queen Chris Brown. They will never be successful as they could be, because they don't want to. They prefer to fuck up their lives. I don't get the buffoonery."

"Well his manager asked me to meet them at his house.

"Girl, take police escorts with you. You gon need it."

"DJ stop. We don't know him. I try to give all my clients a chance to express their side, before I jump conclusions."

"If you say so girl." He rolled his eyes.

"Now what I need you to do is to research this situation. Get me what folks are saying about this. Check blogs, messageboards, fansites, Instagram, twitter, facebook. Read all the comments and compile me a list of the different opinions."

"I don't see why you're helping him. But okay. You're the boss." He gave me a bright fake smile and went back to his desk.

I didn't know what to expect from our meeting, but I grabbed my purse and coat and headed for his house.


"D I don't need a fucking publicist." I took a swig of the Cognac I was drinking.

Me and my manager D were sitting in my kitchen at the counter, recounting last night's events.

"It's not about what you think you need any more August. It's about what's going to save your career."

"That shit wasn't my fault. You was there D. You saw them niggas come for me. I was minding my fucking business."

"I understand that Aug, but ever since that 106 and Park shit people automatically assume you are the bad guy, whether you are or not."

"I really could care less what people think. They don't do shit for me no way."

"You need to start caring. Usher just called me this morning and told me he's dropping you from the European leg of the URX tour."

"What?" I stood up shocked to hear this shit.

"He said the negative publicity is bad for his ticket sales. And he don't want that contr0vesery surrounding him or the tour."

"He couldn't call me and tell me this shit man to man? He couldn't even at least hear me out?"

"When it comes to business Aug there's no loyalty. You messing up his money. That's how he feeds his family."

"And how you think I feed mine, and yours for that matter?"

"I feel you. That's why I called in a publicist. If she can help you straightening this out, I'm sure we can convince him to change his mind."

I shook my head repeatedly standing against my fridge in disbelief. A fight, I didn't even start, was about to ruining everything I worked hard for because it went viral.

"I work my ass of D."

"Aug I know."

"Nobody work hard as me you know that. A day after getting out of the hospital where was I?"

"The studio."

"That's right the fucking studio. Ain't nobody handing me shit. And just like that these niggas trying to take my hard-work away from me?"

My heart fell to my feet. I had tirelessly to get where I am and ever since I came in this shit niggas had it out for me. Why?

"You supposed to be my manager D. That mean you supposed to defend me. Advocate for me. Let people know I'm not a bad guy. I was just angry. Anybody who get angry gon react. What I'm supposed to just sit up there and let that nigga hit me?"

"I did August. He wasn't trying to hear it." D sighed.

"Fuck you D." I snatched my glass from the counter and went to go sit in my living room.

I laid back on my couch just angry at how unfair people have been towards me since I've come in the game. People automatically label me before fully giving me a chance. As I took a drink from glass, my thoughts were interrupted by my doorbell.

"That's her. Put a shirt on." D threw one at me as he went to the door.

I put on my shirt and I heard D directing her to where I was. They came to the living room where I was.

"August this is Jazmine. She's the publicist I was telling you about."

"Shoes off at the door." I sat back drinking from my glass.

"Excuse me?" She looked around confused.

"I got hardwood floors. You not finna scuff my shit up with them heels. Go put them at the door."

"Jazz I'm sorry about that." D told her.

"No it's fine. I understand." She went back to the door to remove her heels.

"August don't start no shit." D warned me.

"I told you I didn't need her. She wasting her time."

She reappeared down the hall coming towards us.

"Uh Jazmine you can have a seat right here." D directed her to sit on the couch in front of me.

"Nice house." She looked at me and smiled.

I cut on my television and took another swig from my glass.

"Aug cut the tv off." D told me.

"When you defend me, I'll cut it off." I stared straight ahead at the television.

"Well umm..." She cleared her throat. "I saw the video and before I judge any situation I like to hear from my clients about their perspective."

"I'm not your client. I didn't agree to this shit. D did. Any questions you need answered talk to him."

"But I would love to hear from your perspective." She said sweetly taking out a notepad.

"Niggas in hell would love ice-water too." I chewed on a piece of ice from my glass.

"August I sincerely want to help you. I've been hearing things from various sources, but I want to hear from your side."

I ignored her scratching my head and staring at my television.

"I do understand August. Can you just tell me what happen?"

I looked at my television and laughed like I was laughing at the tv.

"You know what D. If he doesn't care about his career, neither should I. If he doesn't care that with Usher dropping him, he won't be able to take care of his three nieces anymore. Fine by me."

"What you say about my nieces?" I stood up and walked toward her.

"I said as quickly as you came in the game, that's as fast as you're going to be leaving with your hood antics. These record execs and corporate sponsors can give two shits about you. All they see is money. And when you stop making that, they gon drop you like a fucking hot cake. I've seen it happened a million times. Extremely talented people, who care more about winning fights, than winning in life. And they end up right back in the hood they started from. And that's where you're headed. You already have a reputation for not getting along with promoters. After this, what promoter will want to book you? Ain't that where the bulk of your money comes from? Shows? No shows, no money. But you know it all so, I wish you the best."

She grabbed her coat and purse.

D gave me an evil look.

"Jazmine wait." D went after her as she put on her shoes.

"I'm sorry D. I thought maybe the media had it wrong and that's why I came here. But from the looks of things they had it right. So I'll be taking my services elsewhere."

She left out and closed the door.


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