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Have you ever had an epic, midnight fast food craving?

Of course you have. If you haven't, congratulations. You don’t know how lucky you are.

Did I hear you ask 'Why?' The answer may shock you. The truth is hidden in plain sight. No one did something stupid because they were crazy for an orange or a banana. Likewise, no one did something ridiculous because they wanted a carrot or broccoli. However, people have done what-on-Earth-were-you-thinking nonsense over burgers, pizzas and hot dogs. Go ahead and test my theory if you like. Before you try, ask yourself if anyone got rushed to the emergency room after participating in a salad eating contest.

Anyway, I never knew that I would also end up in such a situation. That's right, I did something stupid because of a midnight craving for a burger.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Katriona Carlton. I live in Daceyville—a few miles north of Houston, Texas. I am a twenty one year old lady who just graduated from UCLA with a degree in Mass Communication. I would love to be a news anchor or talk show host someday. 

I live with my parents, Jake and Jadesola Carlton. By the way, I don't care what you think about that. They run a successful car dealership downtown. My boyfriend, Kaden Foster, is an accountant, who works at an insurance firm in the city. We are not big rich Texans, but we are doing fine.

Anyway, my friends went on a camping trip for Halloween and my boyfriend and parents were out of town. Unfortunately, I like to eat when I’m bored or lonely. Being home alone sucks and I had been on a diet for as long as I could remember. People should take being hangry seriously. It was a brutal, and I can only hope other sufferers get the help they need. I had a light dinner and went to bed after having a long shower.

Unfortunately, I couldn't sleep. I kept tossing and turning thinking about random stuff that didn't really matter.

At about twelve-thirty am, I started to crave a beef burger. Ordinarily, I would have suppressed the craving, but I decided that I deserved a cheat day. I did a quick search online for a fast food joint, but all of the places where I usually get my greasy fix were closed.

Sighing with disappointment, I was just about to switch off my phone when I got a pop up notification for a place called Frank's Diner.

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