Chapter 20 - The Other Woman

Start from the beginning

Lexa let out a unhumorous laugh, suddenly jealous that it was possible that Clarke was dating this Lena and the thought absolutely sickened her. Platonic her ass, for Raven to gather so much information it meant that Lena was spending more than her fair share of time with Clarke. "It sure does seem like she has a type doesn't it?" she replies bitterly.

Luna didn't say anything more, taking a clear hint from the tone Lexa's voice exhibited. Shortly after the silence that enveloped them, their eyes landed on Gustus and Indra and the moment they saw the Woods sisters as well their smiles grew and they almost looked like happy parents who had been waiting for their daughters to return home from college for the holidays.

Gustus was the first one to pull Lexa into a hug while Indra hugged Luna and strangely Luna didn't find it uncomfortable at all. She now had to admit that she might have missed Indra and the dry jokes they shared. Soon after, Gustus and Indra switched and hugged the other sister. Each saying, "It's so good to see you girls' home, it hasn't been the same without you two." At that moment they seemed like the most normal people ever, there was no talks of business or anything about what they had run from initially.

They headed for the black SUV parked in the lot and Gustus loaded their luggage and Luna's duffle bag into the back. As soon as they were all in the SUV they buckled up and Gustus fired up the engine and swiftly exited the airport lot and was in route to the hospital. It was around 6pm and it was starting to get dark, hopefully the hospital still allowed visitors.

"Any news on the case Gustus?" Luna asked from the back seat, her bottom lip between her teeth, nervous.

"None that I'm aware of unfortunately. My buddies at the precinct are all tight lipped about it since it involved their cop friend Bellamy. What I can tell you though is that he lost his badge 3 months ago for an undisclosed reason. They probably got tired of his alcoholic tendencies. But I have to say, I'm surprised his uncle allowed it. Chief of police and all and he's crawled up so far up the asses of the guys above him. It's really strange."

"Hmm." Lexa hummed. "That is strange indeed. What about Titus? Anything?"

"I've heard some things Lexa." Indra says, her eyes on the rear-view mirror meeting Lexa's eyes whom was sitting in the back. "Azgeda. Some Trishana and Podakru say they have seen him at Azgeda businesses looking awfully comfortable. I will look into it farther for you and let you know what I hear and see."

Lexa nodded. "Thank you both for your unwavering efforts and loyalty. I am very grateful for you both."

"Me too." Luna chimed even though she wasn't paying much attention. Her eyes were trained out the passenger window, looking at each passing streetlight they pass.

Twenty minutes later Gustus parked in front of the hospital he had found out Raven was at. It was the same hospital Abby worked at. "Head inside. Indra and I will wait in the car. Come back when you're ready to leave Lexa."

"Thank you."

The Woods sisters headed inside and went straight to the reception counter where a blonde middle-aged woman with glasses sat with her eyes trained to the computer screen in front of her. Both Lexa and Luna smiled because her glasses reflected the screen revealing that she was playing solitaire and not working.

Lexa cleared her throat and the woman's eyes shot up to them and a blush crawled onto her plump cheeks. "Good evening. How can I help you ma'am?"

"Evening, we're looking for the room number Raven Reyes is in."

"Reyes." The woman repeated as she looked back to her computer, hitting a few keys on her keyboard. Without looking up from her screen she asked the last question Lexa or Luna expected her to ask. "Excuse me if I'm mistaken, but weren't you girls in the paper like a lot? Something about beating up a cop?"

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