The Shy Captain (g!p)

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Today is our last regular class day before the sports fest that will start tomorrow. But our teachers didn't attend the class. Finally! A week of rest for me. I never once attended the said event or any event at the school.

"Jen, aren't you really gonna attend tomorrow's parade?" My bestfriend, Rosé asks. I shook my head "No"

"You're no fun, Jen! The players of our school will be participating, and it's hella fun though. Why not attend? Besides, it's our last year here." Yes because we are graduating students.

But no, I'd rather sleep and take a rest in my cozy room. "Sorry sis, I can't. You know how I love my slee---wait a fucking minute! Who's that hot tall girl?"

Rosé looked in the direction of where I am looking and waved at the girl who was surrounded by most of the girls in our school. She seems popular. But why the heck did I just see her this day? The girl waved back to Rosé and shyly scratched her nape when her gaze met mine.

After she smiled at the camera that faced her, she bowed and mouthed thank you.

What a cutie.

Upon reaching us, the girl bowed again and smiled. She showed her perfect set of teeth! Surely my fucking weakness.

"Uh, Jen this is Lalisa, captain of our rival school girl's volleyball team, and Lis, this is---"

"Jennie Kim, what is your game's schedule for the rest of the week? I'll surely watch every single schedule of your game." I winked at her. Rosé laughed at my action and playfully rolled her eyes.

"What a flirt, Jennie! I thought---"

"Will you go on a date with me?" Lisa asked cutting Rosé. I was taken aback by her boldness even Rosé's jaw dropped. I saw Lisa's eyes, glowing. Not long after, she lowered her head. When she realized what she had just said. She became shy.

My heart is beating so fast. But I managed to hold Lisa's chin and lifted it so our eyes will meet. Then, I came closer to her leaving a good amount of gap between us.

"If you will successfully impress me with how the way you play, then maybe, I will go on a date with you. So good luck, Lalisa." I kissed the corner of her lips making her blush. "let's go, Rosé." I saw Lalisa smile to herself and touched the part where I kissed her.

I celebrated on the inside.

Point for me.


"Hey Jen, what was that? And where are we going?" Rosé wondered. "And, I thought you're not gonna attend the sports fest tomorrow?"

I laughed as we both entered my car. "Chill, sis! And we are going to buy my outfit for tomorrow. I have to be the most beautiful girl in Lisa's eyes." I started to speed off my car while hearing Rosé's playful chuckle.

I didn't know Lisa is so popular. I mean maybe that word was surely an understatement. I mean, even most students from our school and even from other schools are cheering for her.

Their team is currently warming up, While Lisa positioned herself and her teammate Jisoo. (I knew her name because Rosé is fucking cheering so loud for that girl's name) set the ball to Lalisa for her to spike.

I heard a roar from the crowd when she hit the ball forcefully.

Oh wow! That was really powerful. I pity the ball.

When she landed on the ground, she looked at me making sure that I got to see it, and smiled. She scratched her temple as I smiled at her. The crowd went silent. I can feel all the admirers of Lisa's intense gaze. But I don't give any damn.

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