Missing Piece (g!p)

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It's gloomy day again. Well, at least for me. I was so fucking pissed for a reason that I don't know. Or I can't actually distinguish. I guess I was just born this way.. Hmmm, or maybe not.

Every man that intentionally or accidentally blocked my way or just even bumped with me, I'm making sure I get to punch them real fucking hard. But only those who didn't apologize to me. I'm not as heartless as you think.

And, I was bumped again. I waited for an apology but instead, "Man, watch where you---" I kicked him in his balls and watch him groan and kneel down. The vein on his neck are showing.

I resume walking, feeling satisfied with what I have done.

And then I saw this little bar and I got thirsty for an alcoholic drink. So I decided to stop by.

I entered the bar and welcomed by the smell of disgusting and nasty sweaty body. I immediately regretted that I came here. But I needed to drink my problem away. Even though I still cannot determine what was it. Why was I still angry?

Maybe to myself? Maybe I feel empty.


I sighed. And that's the reason. I am incomplete.

A twenty-three year old lonely woman.

A twenty-three year old lonely woman who lost her family and live by herself at a very young age.

I got to raise myself in this foreign country when my parents passed away due to a fucking accident. But they left me all of their wealth.

"No! Stop!" I heard a girl screamed. Popping the imaginary bubble above my head. Unlike the strippers of this fucking dirty club, she's wearing a black cap, a black fitted poloshirt, and a tight jeans. She's holding a tray. And I'm certain she's one of the waitress.

I came near the table she had served and listened to their commotion.

"Come on, you work here. Right? I'll pay you. Just let me fuck you. I'm sure That's part of your work." A man with a smug grin talked to her. The lady harshly removed the hand of the man from her wrist. "You little slut!"

The man was about to slap the beautiful lady's face when I jumped to their place and swung my body perfectly to land a jab to his perfect chiseled jaw.

He bled. What a weak.

I winked at the feline eyed woman. Her eyes grew wide, but I know what's coming. I felt the man's aura, so I landed a jab again. But this time straight to his stomach. He growled to me "fuck you!"

"A cocksucker, I see." I replied and kicked his balls. Then with one swift, I faced the woman and asked, "Are you okay?"

Before she got to answer, the bouncer came. "Jennie? Oh, again?" The bouncer asked as he chuckled. Jennie flushed and nodded. Probably embarassed at the scene she believes her fault.

So I think she's been mistreated by the customers.

"Take that guy away from this bar and please I don't want to see his face again." I ordered to the bouncer. He raised his brow at me. Weirded by my words. "I'm buying this bar ten times the prize. Tell the owner."

The owner immediately came to me. Like a mushroom that popped from nowhere, "I'm the owner, Miss." I can see her eyes turning into a dollar sign.

"Just send me the fucking papers and I'll sign you a check. Now If I may excuse, I want Miss Jennie to be with me tonight... That is, ofcourse, If you will be fine with that, Miss Jennie." I gave all my attention to her. She's painfully biting her bottom lip. I don't know, I was gotten by her eyes and her cheeks.

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