Chapter Sixty-nine

Start from the beginning

"I'm sorry, Liam."

I can sense how tense he is from his demeanor, and it makes me feel like a jerk for not thinking about his feelings as much as I should have.

Sabrina walks in after a moment dressed in a short pastel blue dress and wedge heels. I briefly wonder if wearing heels has become second nature to her because there is no way I would be able to wear a heel if I was this far along in my pregnancy. Especially in my own house!

She beams at us as she embraces me in a hug and then turns to Liam, who extends his hand for a handshake. Matilda brings still water along with three flavors of sparkling water and asks what I would like to have. I feel like I am in a five-star hotel as I take the still water with a polite smile.

Sabrina offers to show me around, but Liam steps in and offers to do it himself. He walks me around the large, quiet rooms. And I admire the modern feel of the decor and furniture. But it's a bit eerie how quiet it is. It's so quiet in here, all you can hear is the now heavily pouring rain splattering against the windows. It's almost hard to believe we are in the middle of Manhattan.

When we reach a door, which Liam refers to as his old room, he hesitates. I look up at him, sensing his apprehension. He gently grabs the lock and twists it, revealing an empty room with only a few boxes scattered around here and there.

"He cleared it out as soon as I moved out. He shipped most of my stuff out to me. This," He points to the boxes. "is what remains of my books."

I look around the room with a heavy heart. I stayed at my father's place maybe twice since he moved out, and my room there remains untouched when I'm away despite our strained relationship. How could his father clear out years worth of memories like that?

I look around the lifeless room and reach for Liam's hands, encasing them between mine. I feel a bizarre need to protect him even though I know he is more than strong.

"Let's go back," I whisper.

He nods, and we walk hand in hand to the dining room, where a table for three has been set. Sabrina beams at us as we take our seats. She makes small talk, which Liam only participates in with a few words.

Curried Carrot Soup and Butter-Roasted Sweet Potatoes are served to us first by Julia. My mouth waters at the sight. I take a bite, and my eyes widen at how delicious it is.

"This is delicious," I comment.

"I'll tell Frank you said that." She grins.

I frown.

"The in-house chef," Liam clarifies.

In-house chef? Jeez! They are fancy.

"I know how it sounds," Sabrina says immediately, seeming to read my mind. "I usually enjoy cooking myself, actually, and Julia is a great cook. But with the pregnancy, Salazar thought it would be better to hire someone, and Frank has been with us on and off for some time now."

I nod.

"Of course,"

"So, I heard you are planning to move here for college." She says.

"That's the plan." I nod. "I'll babysit whenever you want me to."

Sabrina grins.

"Don't give me any ideas. I might start taking you up on it."

I laugh.

"Do you know the gender?" I ask.

Sabrina's smile widens.

"Yes, we wanted to be better prepared. It's— a girl."

Liam stills from beside me, his spoon halfway to his mouth.

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