chapter 3 - two years

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*i dont know what to write so i just skip to 2 years after Rain move to the main palace😞

its been two years, since i moved to the main palace. and a few more week i will have my seventh birthday, also i will have my debutante and my magic awakening ceremony.

there was alot of thing happen in those two years, like-

first, i got a friend, two friend more precisely, they are a twin son's from a duke house.
the older twin named Alex whilst the younger ones named Axel. they are also one of the capture target from the otome game.

I meet them a few month after i live in the main palace, so i just be friend with them, plus they knew about my real gender, because their father, duke alstair is close with my father, and so my father told him about my gender, and they 'ACCIDENTLY' hear them. and so we've been a good friend since i was five. they usually come to the palace and we sometimes pranking the servant or they will help me skip my lessons. well overall they were a good friends.

second, my relationship have been growing close to my father. just like a father and son relationship, yup like a father-son not father-daughter. we usually have a duel with sword, and of course my father always win. what do you expect, he's already hundread years old .

and third, one of my magic is already 'awake?¿' yeah i dont know what words to use.
so it was when i lose a duel with my father, that time i was so annoyed because of that, and then out of nowhere the plant and everything near me is dead, like literally just dead. the grass that i stepped on, and some tree's near me is dead or withered. and my father is the first one who notices what happened. he say that i have one of the forgotten magic. the name of the magic is 'death',its a really simple name, right?. anyway after that i was taught to control my emotion cus that will effect my magic.

and so my father and i agree that my magic will keep as secret from public, because it can cause a chaos when people knew, and luckily that time there is no other people except my father and master clive. the other people that knew about this is a few of my father trusted man and the twins.

and about the awakening ceremony, my father will use a dark magic too make an illusion so that my death magic cant be seen. but its still gonna show about the other thing. like what elements that i got or how much is my mana capacity. yup just like that.
'knock knock knock'
"who is it?" i dont think i have anymore schedule, and my father is on meeting so i doubt that he calling me.

" your highness, young masters alstair is here"

" let them in" i said while sitting on the bed

the door was slammed open by a purple haired boy. and behind his back there is also a similar boy that look like him. they has short purple hair with some streaks of black, their eyes was a similar color with their hair.

" Vai, what are you doing" it was Alex and Axel. they are really alike, its really hard to distinguish them apart. but of course i have my own trick. the trick is that their hair is kinda different they both have purple hair and have some streaks of black, but Axel has more black streak than Alex so i can tell the different. also alex is a little bit more mature than axel, just a little! okay?.

"sleeping, but you disturb it"i said with annoyed look

"oh come on, you've been sleepin for a whole day"said Exel walking closer to me

"he's right youve been sleeping all along"said Alex, while waking closer to me too

"i am tired" i said with a lazy voice

" you always tired"alex said
" hey Vai, do you know that they will organize a major meeting?"Axel said with a brow up

"dont know" the major meeting is a meeting that was attend by the ruler of every race kingdom. they arrange it every 10 years.

"really?, your father didnt tell you yet?"Axel said while they already sit beside me in the bed.
"i hear this time the meeting will being held in human kingdom"it was Alex who said that.

" when will they held it?"i ask looking at them
"i dont know the detailed, but i know that they will held it a few months later"Alex said
"yeah and i heard that you will go there too" Axel smiled with an excited face. im not suprise they knew about this first, cuz they literally know everything, its because they often heard what their dad talking ,or they knew from other sources. anyway they knew alot of things

" why are you the one who excited, if im the one who will go?"i just lift my brow up
" oh come one, we will go with you, cause you will need friends right"Axel smiled getting bigger.

I knew there is something that they want. "yeah yeah whatever" i said with annoyed but i dont really got annoyed. i mean i will travel for five whole day, so i really need a friends.
" you look annoyed, but i know you are happy" Alex smirks after he said that, and lie down to my bed. he really know how to read people.

"we will have some fun"Axel laugh while tackle me into a hug and we all lie down in my bed.

"anyway what do you think about the human kingdom?"it was alex who ask that
"i heard that the noble there is really greedy"say axel
"its the same in here though" i said, what axel said is not wrong human is really greedy, just like the human from my past life, the noble in here is really greedy too. what i mean here is in the vampire kingdom, but other kingdom is the same too.
"youre right"alex said while nod his head

"yeah, even the child is really greedy"axel said while pouting
"but youre a child too though"i grin to him
"not that -,ukh whatever"he pout more, while i and alex just laugh at him

"but its true, the girl that come to our coming of age is really annoying,they always stick with us with that cake up face and those puffy dress, ughh that time i just want to puke " axel said, axel and alex has a horror face in there,while i just laughing at them.

"hahaha—, i really want to see your face" i said after my laughing session. i didn't come to their debut cus i still don't have my debut yet, so i can't go there.

"im glad that youre not like those girl"alex said while has that glad face
"of corse im not, you know the reason why i keep the act"
"yeah thats why im glad"alex said with a grin in his face

That day was spent by us talking about alex and axel coming of age ceremony

*thank you for reading

the villain is a girlDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora