Chapter four-The desert

ابدأ من البداية

"Well, it had been until you used the term, 'apocalypse.'"

"Sorry, my brutal honesty gets the better of me at times." He shrugged apologetically. He didn't sound sorry though. His voice was hard. "Poor bastards! They really have no idea."

"How do you know that? We are here too with them: A distraction from reality. There could well be others among us here too for a momentary release from the trauma in this world."

"True." He agreed. "I'm sorry for my harshness. I'm sure you understand. We share the same frustrations." He motioned for the shisha to be removed. He stood up, shaking off the sand from his clothes. He reached down to pull me up from the cushions. It seemed the day was over, our desert distraction. We were leaving behind the spectacle of the sweaty tourist and voluptuous dancer. Back to face the music.

We clambered into the jeep and sat quietly for a while, savoring the deep peace of the desert. Despite being so close to the camp, the noise and music seemed a distant echo as it carried softly on the warm breeze. "On a clear night the stars are incredible." He looked up above us. There were only a few stars visible at this early hour.

"I've always wanted to spend the night in the desert. Camp out."

He looked at me in surprise. "Why didn't you tell me that before? I would have arranged it. I haven't met many women that like camping nowadays. They prefer the comfort and luxury of a five -star hotel."

"I'm not all women." I retorted.

"I'm me. I love camping and always have. You've just been hanging with the wrong women. That's what happens when you're a wealthy successful businessman. You meet superficial women"

He laughed holding up his hands in a position of surrender. I was glad to have shifted the mood again.

"Can you stay away an extra night, could that be arranged? We could camp tomorrow. Let's enjoy the moment now. Tomorrow we can have the final discussion, in the middle of the desert. That will make things easier, soften the blow."

"Yes, my final night in the middle of the desert: Very appropriate. I agree."

I called the family as soon as I returned to the hotel. I was reassured that things were still relatively 'normal' and one more night away would be fine. If things shifted in the meantime, they would contact me immediately.

I attempted a conversation with my daughter. "Hi darling. How's it going?"

"Hi! Yeah. Ok. What else do you want?" The typical teenage forthright response. I laughed drily. Obviously, I was not being missed too much.

"How's stuff? How are you feeling?" I asked. "Yeah, fine. Just a bit of a cough but nothing much. We're ok. Watching lots of Netflix and eating comfort food. Pretending everything is normal." I could see her in my mind's eye, shrugging and pulling that face, faking nonchalance when deep down she was as shit scared as all of us despite her wise words at the resort.

"Ok babe, just carry on like that. I'm back tomorrow." I responded gently. I could almost hear her mental cogs whirring.

"So, what's he like then?'' Her tone was suddenly slightly chirpier. "Is he good looking? Is he rich? You know what we told you, no more poor, hippy Jesus look alike boyfriends. You're getting older, you need some comfort in your old age!"

My God, who was the parent here? "Jesus! I'm still in my 40's! I may not be in my 20's but I'm not quite ready for retirement yet. Anyway, it's not like that at all. This is business, or better said, survival. I'll tell you about him when I see you. Love you. Bye."

I hung up before she could continue with the interrogation. Besides, I wasn't quite sure myself what I was feeling right now and didn't need the mental probing from someone else.

2020-When Time Stood Stillحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن