self love; the seemingly impossible pursuit

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Ken's POV
( yup! A new POV)

I walk down the ramp with Layla holding my holding my hand. Her pig tails are put together with two little pink hair ties. I might be a little biased but, she's the cutest 3 year old to ever exist. She's still pretty sleepy from the plane ride over, but she seems pretty happy to be on vacation.

From what I hear from Felix and Jack ,Brighton is almost never sunny. So I'm pretty damn amazed when I see beautiful sunny weather beaming down on me, with a nice light breeze. I walk over to the baggage claim and meet Mary, my wife, who's already there with baby Raphael. I get a ping from my phone, and I look down to see Felix calling, so I  signal to Mary that I "need to take this" and she  holds Layla's hand as I answer the phone.

" Hey Felix, I just landed." I say. " I know, I'm watching you." He says in a low, totally not terrifying voice. " Be careful of I might just find you oOOoOoOoOoOoO." I start laughing at that, oh god I love Felix. He's so fucking entertaining. " oh noOoOo are you gonna-"

" BOO" screams Felix as he pops up behind the trash can he was hiding behind. " What the- Oh my god." I say laughing and still slightly in shock. " It's good to see you Ken!" He says, pulling me in for a hug. " It's good to see you too Felix." I reply. " Anyways I just wanted to see you, but I know you're with your family so I'll let you guys enjoy Brighton."

Honestly I wanted to see Felix today, and I didn't actually have any plans set until dinner so maybe I could just tell Mary the hotel I booked and she could take them there. After all, isn't impulsivity the way to go? " Actually, why don't we hang out? We haven't seen each other in a while, and I also don't have anything planned until around 8:30." I said, pulling out my phone to text Mary.

" Okay great! We can head to my place, I already checked on Jack today so I have until you have to go." I nodded as he walked me to to his car. " I hate to sound so American but you just sat on the right side of your car. I'm so not used to seeing that." I say slightly in awe. " Americans feel the need to do everything differently from the rest of the world." He says chuckling. " You see, that's funny, because it's true." I say as we burst out laughing again.

" So Felix, how're things going for you?". " they're alright, I want Jack to come home but I know he can't be just yet, and I want to stop feeling..sad." He says that last word so quietly, my ears barely register anything. His eyes look down at his feet for a split second, until his gaze is back on the road. " I'm sorry to hear about that buddy, but I swear I'm here for you no matter what time if the day it is" I say squeezing his shoulder. " thanks Ken I appreciate it a lot" ." What kind of friend would I be if I wasn't?" I say slightly laughing.

" Well I mean, Jack's the only person who cares about me, and I guess PJ too but like I'm pretty much alone." I can tell the sorrow in his voice is heavy as he speaks. " Felix I think you should focus on yourself more, I don't think you're doing too well.". He sighs as he says" Self love seems like a fad, like a diet that's not really effective."

" well I'm here for about two weeks, I'm going to do my damn best to make sure you see what's so lovable about you." I say with a smile. " good luck with that" He says shaking his head with a chuckle.

" Oh trust me, I don't need it." I know I don't.
This chapter is so shitty I'm sorry you had to read this ekdnkejsjsekekwk. Anyways if you did thank you and I'm sorry you put your eyes through that. Regardless I love you all, hopefully I'll see you in the next part.

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