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Kin had told him everything she knew about the Jedi which admittedly- was a lot.

Though the girl wasn't too smart,  she has still grown up in the Jedi temple which meant the Jedi past had been ingrained in her head ever since she was a child. So she rattled off the information to the mysterious Maul without even thinking.

He had left and thankfully paid for Kins food. Kin was now just realizing how strange the encounter was. She didn't have the best idea of what the outside galaxy thought of the Jedi but she did know they weren't loved by all.

Not me, she would tell herself as she walked down a city street and caught people staring at a passing padawan, I'm not like them. Not anymore, not ever.

Maul would go weeks at a time without showing up in front of her flower shop, sometimes coming back roughed up, sometimes an echo of content. She had never seen Maul really smile, or even laugh. The closest thing he had gotten was the flash of his teeth in an almost taunting way. At least it was something.

At least it was something.


Break the chains.

His master had to know- he had to! There was no way he didn't, the girl barely left his mind- and Master never left his mind.

He felt him, even if he was light years away. Always there, always looming over his thoughts silently but it was too constant to ignore. Maul had never had the pleasure of a single thought to himself. And maybe, if he knew what it felt like, to think whatever whenever, he might actually be jealous of the rest of the galaxy.

Instead he would never know.

Maul moved gracefully, cat-like and silently. There was no room for error, not in his line of work. Even though he was on a mission for his master, an important one at that, he couldn't shake his mind of Kin.

She was so foolish- so foolish. As she twirled her fork in her food she giggled and spilled all the secrets she new of the Jedi in short little stories.

"One time, when I was 7, I went to Illum with master Yoda. Well not alone, there was at least 20 other younglings with us. Beside the point- the Jedi have insane amounts of Kyber crystals on that damn planet. You'll never believe what color I got...

Though, most of it was endless babbling, some of it was secrets. She even spoke of holocrons with entire generations of future jedis whereabouts on them.

"Maul." It was the deep, gravelly and grim voice of master.

"Yes, master?"  Theres submission in Mauls tone- other than that it was blank.

The blue silhouette of the man smiled darkly, Maul was constantly on edge but now he leaned forward in fear. A smile was never good.

"You'll be returning to Coruscant soon. Bring me the Jedi."


Sorry this took a while lmaoo I'm mentally ill :) also does anyone know any good purple guy fics that weren't written by an 11 year old in 2015 ??

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