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Kin was no fool- not anymore, not by a long shot. She had grown up, she had finally become the one thing Maul had never seen her as. A real, mature, nearly fully functional, grown woman.

So as not even a day passed of her time on Mandalore, she was banging on the door of Mauls office with a determined expression covering her pale face.

The two exchange nothing as the door closes behind the shorter woman. They simply stood still and stared, relishing in their connection through the force.

Then, she spoke with well thought out words, "Whats going to happen to us?"

"To who?"

Something deeper than the usual scowl crossed over Kins face for a mere second before her expression returned to normal, "Everyone."

Maul paused, golden eyes studying Kin for a moment before replying, "If I told you, you would not believe me."

This eased a nervous laugh out of Kin for just a moment, before her tone returned to being dark and serious, "We know something the rest of the galaxy does not. Just us. If anyone would believe you, it would be me."

The low predatory growl rumbled from deep in Mauls chest as he narrowed his eyes, "The galaxy is to be changed forever. The Jedi will no longer remain in control, there won't be any. They are all to burn in the hands of my master."

There it is again, a startling, nervous laugh escaping Kin, but she's also nodding along, "I know. I believe you."

"If you believe me then what are you to do?"

Golden eyes blazed into the woman once more and she considered her options. In a way, if the Jedi were not arrogant enough to not believe her, the entirety of the galaxy as she knew she rested on her words. But, the Jedi were arrogant creatures who perhaps have ruled for a few centuries past what they had earned.

She chose her words carefully and slowly, "I will return to Qwim and try to save all I can before the supposed downfall. For the rest of the Jedi, fair game. And your plans?"

"My... army, is planning to finally take the entire planet from the republic once and for all.  Kenobi and perhaps even Skywalker will be sent on the republics behalf."

Maul had spoken the names as if Kin was supposed to understand the implications they meant. He surprisingly patiently waited as she attempted to throw things together in her head.

"Wait- are you planning on recruiting two Jedi war heros?"

Maul nods, a sly look slipping onto his face and- bingo, he really has lost his mind. Kin really doesn't know how to elaborate on that outrageous idea so instead she loudly clacks her nails against the one of the lightsabers clasped to her waist.

"If it's my help you want, then you should get on with it," her voice has taken on a lighter, more teasing tone. Maul wouldn't want her help, and she couldn't stand a chance against two fully trained Jedi knights.

Maul froze and then nods, "Then let's get on with it."

good evening everyone hope you're having a nice day. as you can tell, I am unable to write romance and that is why there is not much. I am hoping to incorporate more but feelings are so hard to write when I probably haven't felt any real emotion since 2016

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