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The rest of the journey to the throne room was spent in awkward silence. Eva decided not to comment on Kins increasingly dampening mood, most likely settling on it being jedi nonsense and disregarding it. Kin, on the other hand, was growing nervous. If she had noticed Maul with her amateur grasp on the force there was no way he hadn't noticed her.

So as soon as she had made it to the throne room, with elegant towering windows and walls of ancient stone, her hands nervously shifted underneath her raggedy poncho as soon as she saw just who was seated on the throne.

"Madraykin Finnall lives," his voice is booming across the room, the same and yet completely different at the same time.

Kin keeps charging forward, boots quietly tapping on the tile. She can hear Eva confusingly shuffling behind her in attempt to keep up with her companions determined steps.

"And you as well," she finally pauses 10 feet from the throne, hands proudly on her hips. She was wearing the rags of a bounty hunter, and was sure of looking far less attractive than the average woman her age due to her less than ideal daily life, but Maul was not the one to show an ounce of weakness to. "I'm surprised."

He simply grimaced but now that she was closer, Maul had aged too. Not enough to lose how attractive she has found him, but enough to show he had seen things. Perhaps more than what Kin had seen.

Her eyes trailed down to his legs, casually propped up. Then, she paused, furrowing her brow.

"God, what put you through the ringer?"

"What is going on?!" Kin had temporarily forgotten Eva had been standing right next to her.

"Remember what I told you- when I was around 20..."

"This is him?" Eva gasped and Kin cringed at her tone. Maybe Kin had more or less made her and Mauls relationship sound a bit more tragic on her end than it actually was.

"Anyway," Maul said dismissively, "I have much to tell you of our time apart."


Though Maul had spoken his story of his 12 years on Lotho Minor with nothing but the truth in his tone of voice, both Kin and Eva shared a hard time believing him.

But that story and it's ambiguous possibility was fleeting in a much more current topic, how the Clone Wars continued to rage on. Though they were not of much concern to Kin at first, it had been years since they hard first started and have done nothing but make things harder for just about everyone in the damn galaxy.

A masked man had soon called Maul out of the bed room the three were meeting up in, leaving Kin and Eva alone.

The door shuts, Eva speaks, "He's absolutely mad. We are not working for him."

Kin hums for a second, before turning to face Eva, "He knows something we do not."

Eva scoffs and then laughs darkly, "Don't tell me you believe this crazy mans bull shit as well. He is obviously not the person you knew over a decade ago and you know it."

There's a moment of silence between the pair. Kin can feel Mauls presence from behind the door, he was terrified of something and she didn't know what it was.

She brushed Eva's shoulder with her own, a reassuring action, "You gotta trust me on this one, okay?"

okay just for funzies everyone comment what you think Kin looks like in your head bc I haven't really described her appearance much and I was wondering what readers thought she looked like ya know??? anyway swag thanks for reading

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