Meeting Toshinori

Start from the beginning

"Please.." Midoriya practically begged as he grabbed the blondes hand under the table. Bakugo jumped slightly as he felt Midoriya's smooth hand glide into his own. Butterflies formed in his stomach as he opened his mouth to say something. When he realized he wouldn't produce anything other than word vomit, he closed his mouth and gave a simple nod. Inko smiled brightly before walking towards the other room.

"I'll give him a call." She said with a smile before disappearing from their vision.

"You sure you want me to go?" Bakugo asked when his nerves had calmed down. "It seems like a personal thing, I really wouldn't want to intrude."

"You don't have to go if you don't want to." Midoriya whispered sadly. "But I would really appreciate it if you did." He told the blonde as his sad green eyes pierced into his beautiful ruby eyes.

"I want to, just wanted to make sure it was really okay." Bakugo said with a soft smile as Inko entered the room again.

"What do you want to eat birthday boy?" She questioned cheerfully while holding the phone to her ear.

"Any place that has Katsudon." He replied with a simple shrug as he squeezed the blondes hand.


"So young Midoriya, I heard you went on some campus tours this weekend." Toshinori stated as he continued digging into his food. The green haired man was currently sitting next Bakugo while Toshinori sat opposite and his mother sat caddy corner of him.

"Yeah, it was pretty fun." He replied with a small smile. He was expecting this to be the most awkward dinner of his life. Suprisingly, he found himself enjoying getting to know his mothers boyfriend.

"I don't remember telling you that." Inko said in confusion as she looked to the man next to him.

"That's because you didn't." He replied with a small chuckle.

"Then how did you know?" Bakugo questioned in confusion.

"I teach at UAE." Toshinori informed with a small smile. Bakugo and Midoriya's eyes widened upon hearing those words. "I actually live by campus, so I only get to make it here on the weekends."

"What do you teach there?" Midoriya questioned. He felt like it might be awkward to have his mothers boyfriend as a teacher.

"Digital and Animation Art." He replied with a warm smile. "Have you ever tried digital art?" He asked as he took another bite of his soba.

"N-no.. but I have been interested by it lately. Kaachan actually got me an Ipad Pro today." Midoriya informed as he took a sip of his water.

"Did you now?" Inko questioned with a shocked expression. That was quite a pricey gift for your childhood best friend.

"He's pretty damn good at technical drawing though." Bakugo added with a proud smirk. Inko couldn't help but notice the familiarity between the two. She smiled as she saw how well Bakugo treated her son.

"So I've heard." Toshinori replied with a small laugh. "I've also heard you two are great at composing and performing. Hina has some high expectations for the both of you."

"So she's the one that told you about us?" Midoriya assumed.

"Correct. She also told me about a powerful duet you two performed." He said with a small smile as he glanced between the two. "She actually said she wants a recording of it when you guys get it done."

"W-why?" Midoriya questioned in shock. She couldn't have been that impressed by it, could she?

"She wants to know how it sounds when guys actually rehearse and edit it a bit. She was really impressed by the two of you."

"She was?" Midoriya questioned with a wide smile. She sounded like she liked them, but to say she was really impressed.

"Yes she was." Toshinori replied simply.

"You should perform it for us sometime!" Inko exclaimed. She has heard plenty of her sons songs before, but she had no clue he was even interested in duets.

"When we get it recorded, we will definitely give it to you." Midoriya replied to his mother.

"Maybe you guys should perform it again during your auditions for UAE." Toshinori suggested with a grin as their waitress stopped by their table.

"Can I get you guys anything else?" She asked politely.

"Just the check please." Toshinori responded with a kind smile.

"One check?" She questioned.

"Yes." He replied, sending her on her way.

"Let me pay for ours." Inko offered as she grabbed her purse.

"No." Her boyfriend replied as he gently pushed her hands away from grabbing any money.

"At least let me pay for Katsuki's." She pleaded.

"Nope. This is a birthday treat." He said simply as he flashed a smile to the freckled man. It was easy as day to tell he was trying to win the approval of her one and only son, and it was truly working.

"Thank you." Midoriay said with a soft smile.

"No problem, happy birthday." Toshinori said as the waitress came back to the table with the check. After it was paid, they quickly left the restaurant.

"Are you going back to the dorms tonight?" Inko asked her son as they stepped into the warm summer night.

"Yeah, that's why Kaachan drove us here." Midoriya replied with a smile as Toshinori led them to his car.

"Which means, you're stuck with me." Toshinori said with a teasing smirk as he pulled Inko's hand to his lips.

"It was truly nice to meet you both." Toshinori said with a bow. "I hope we can do this again soon."

"Yeah, same here." Midoriya replied with a wide smile as he watched the two get into the car. He felt relieved knowing that there was someone who truly cared about his mom, like she deserved.

"Ready to go home nerd?" Bakugo asked as he set a gentle hand on Midoriya's back.

"Yeah, I'm tired." Midoriya replied with a yawn.

"He's not that bad." Bakugo commented as they made their way to the car.

"No he's not. He seems great and he makes her happy. After everything she has been through, she deserves peace and love."

"She's not the only one.." Bakugo mumbled to himself.

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