"I'm sure you will."

"So..." He looked hopefully into my eyes.

"You're going to be the death of me, but I wouldn't have it any other way."

"You love me really." He rolled his eyes as I smiled reacting to his assumptions that were more than likely coming true. "Come on loser."

He lead me to bed and practically tackled me down so I wouldn't think of leaving again, I burst out laughing as he locked his arms around my waist and lay on my chest, letting me play through his hair.

After a few more hours of chatting and giggling together, we drifted off to sleep, with dreams of a future where Draco and I are watching the morning bread bakers deliver their fresh loafs to the neighbours, or watching the mid day waves roll in the fine sand, or climbing to the roof of our little apartment to stare at the stars while the mid summer breeze keeps us warm was filling my head.

*The Next Morning*

I woke with Draco's arms folded around me tightly, as if afraid of letting go. Moments later his eyes flutter open and I place a soft kiss on his lips to wake him up fully. "Morning."

"I could get used to this." He landed another kiss on my cheek before resting his head back on his pillow.

"You have a whole life of them ahead." I say sweetly. He tightened his grip around me kissing my forehead. "Did you hear the good news?"

"What?" He looked down eager to hear more.

"Katie Bell is getting coming back today." She and I had always been friends, never really close but we'd chat during classes and she's been to a few of the same parties, I am excited see her again, and although insensitive, am very intrigued to find out what happened that day at Hogsmede.

"Oh tha-"

"But Cho told me there was another attack on a student. Ron Weasley was poisoned by a bottle of mead, Harry told Cho a few days ago. Apparently it was very bad. Can you believe it, do you think whoever is behind these is intentionally hurting kids?"

"No, no I don't think it was meant for them." He reassured me, brushing out my hair with his fingers to comfort me.

"Who would it be for then?" I rattle my brain, trying to put clues together.

"Don't worry about it, I'm sure it'll work itself out. I'm gonna head for a shower." He kissed the top of my head and stepped into the bathroom. Hearing the water run made my eyes sleepy again, I only intended on closing them for a brief time but before I could stop it I was out for the count.

*Draco's POV*

As I came out the shower I saw Ana had fallen back asleep, she was sprawled out on the bed, for having such a small figure she really took up a large portion of the bed. Her legs were spread, one poking out the covers and arms were twisted in all ways, one hanging off the bed the other above her head, which was laying smooshed against it. If it weren't for the subtle rising and falling of her chest you'd think she was dead. The sight made me chuckle.

Looking down on her made my heart ache just the slightest bit. She was innocent in everything and yet she could lose the most. She represented the entire school, the school didn't deserve what I'd been chosen to do, it's pupils didn't deserve to go through the impending war that was brewing.

I was running out of time, to complete the unthinkable task without involving the death eaters any more than they had to be. Snape was right, my failed attempts weren't thought out and caused commotion amongst the staff. They are on high alert now, specifically looking for anything unusual and suspicious.

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