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In class

"Who knows the answer to this question?" Mr Allen - my Statistics teacher - questioned. He looked around the room of quiet students hopefully.

Of course, I knew the answer to that question. I was best friends with anything that had to do with numbers, trust me. But even a lover of numbers like me couldn't deny how tiresome this class was.

"You should know the answer. This question was included somewhere in last week's work. That is unless you didn't do your work on your own," Mr Allen said when the class remained quiet.

I buried my face in my book and stared at the page that had nothing to do with the question. There was this tiny fear in my heart. I was afraid to blurt out strange things and have the class laugh at me. I looked up and locked eyes with the teacher.

My heart skipped a beat at this. And in a bad way. I mean, he was obviously somewhere in his twenties but that didn't mean I would look at him in that way. I just didn't know about the rest of the female population.

"Tell us, Debbie. That's your name, correct?" he asked, making the whole class look at me. Even Levi who was previously doing something irrelevant. Oh, did I forget to mention we shared this class? Imagine my shock when he'd randomly changed classes in the middle of the semester. Anyway, the teacher must have chosen me because the top student in this class was absent and I came second.

You know, I would tell him my name was Serafina, but that would be wrong.

"The answer is C," I said and he smiled.

"Good," he said and moved to the next slide, revealing yet another question I knew the answer to.

I eagerly rushed out of the classroom when Mr Allen dismissed us. It was finally lunch time. And I may have lost and gained my stability along the way. It didn't bother me because it happened almost every day. Sighing softly, I opened my locker and rummaged through it.

Today was definitely no drama day.


My hand grasped the first thing it could grab and I turned around, ready to hit the person who scared me. I didn't know if I was overreacting but disturbing a girl who was imagining herself in a peaceful garden was death itself.

I found myself looking into familiar emerald eyes.

"I'm not even gonna ask why you have a plushie in your locker," Levi stated and I slowly retracted my hand.

"What in freaking world of candy are you doing here?" I didn't know what else to say.

He sighed and said, "I get better greetings at the gym."

"I'm not happy with you nonetheless. You are wrong if you think showing up at my locker will change that," I said as I shoved the plushie into the locker. I didn't know why I had it in there either. He quietly watched me close the dark blue, metal door.

"I didn't say anything about changing your mind," he said. "That top complements your skin tone," he added, reminding me of yesterday at the clothing shop. I looked down at the cerulean blue polo I had on, then gave him a funny look.

"Flattery won't get you anywhere."

He captured my wrist in a warm grip and dragged me down the hall before I could register what was going on.

"What are you doing?" I asked. Wasn't anyone seeing the abduction that was happening before their eyes? I couldn't say the hallway was crowded though. There were people here and there.

"I'm apologising."

"No, you are not. This is called kidnapping," I complained while struggling to free my hand. He gave me the silent treatment and we found ourselves outside before I could say amen.

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