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The ball felt light in my hands as I tried to figure out why the stunning Taya was shouting at me. I watched her as she slowly approached me. Most people would have made a run for it by now, but there were too many facts to process.

Truthfully, seeing Taya in the park was unexpected. I didn't even know that she lived around here. Remember her? She was the girl who worked as an instructor at the retreat. The girl who caught Levi's attention. We could hear the sound of the cars from where we were.

"You just ruined my day with your face! It must be you!" she shouted angrily as she stopped before me.

"Wait, hold on, what are you talking about?" I asked in confusion. Now that she was near me, I noticed the dark circles under her eyes and the no make-up look. It was like the past few days had been hell for her.

"You just had to go and ruin my life," she said, her voice cracking slightly. "You unattractive wannabe! You are surely the girl Levi left me for!"

My heart stopped beating for a second there. So Levi broke up with her for another girl? How could she think it was me? He wouldn't even look at me in that way. This was giving me too much prestige.
This wasn't the energetic and hot Taya I saw at the retreat.

"I don't know what you are talking about. I didn't even know that Levi left you for someone else," I said calmly, but I was far from calm.

"You are just gonna play dumb now! I refuse to believe that somebody dumped me! ME! For someone like you? This is utterly ridiculous, I say!" I could see the tears forming in her eyes. After all this time, she hadn't gotten over the breakup.

"Let me clarify things, I didn't do anything to sabotage your relationship with Levi." I know how it feels when your boyfriend leaves you for her. It could never be a nice feeling and I didn't want to be the reason behind another girl's tears. Stealing boyfriends wasn't my thing.

"You never liked us together! The day Levi broke up with me, he told me he no longer looked at me in that way because I treat people badly!"

"I don't see how any of this has anything to do with me," I said with a tiny frown.

"You were the only person I disliked. So doesn't that make sense?" A tear escaped her eye and she quickly wiped it off. She had turned red. "I've never met anyone as desperate as you, whore! You were just so jealous because nobody liked you and it stung because you were thirsty for the spotlight. You slimy worm, you wiggled your way into my life! I'm guessing you are feeling happy that someone finally managed to steal my boyfriend!"

"Ex," a deep voice corrected. Both our heads turned to Levi who had his arms crossed.

"We are still together..." Taya cried in a small voice.

"That's not how I remember things," Levi answered. His voice dripped confidence and a little bit of ecstasy.

"No, we are a couple nonetheless."

"You are deluded."

I wasn't supposed to be listening to this conversation. It was none of my business.

Taya returned her gaze to me and spoke, "This is all your doing."

"This doesn't concern me. Do you need someone to talk to? Your relationship is between the two of-"

"Oh, ZIP IT! You know very well that you are trying to brainwash Levi so that he doesn't like me anymore!"

"Don't shout at her," Levi said and this seemed to make Taya even angrier.

"What do you see in her that you can't see in me? I'm the perfect one!"

"Leave her out of this. She had nothing to do with our break up and you know that."

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