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Life was just pathetic.

I mean, the hot new guy hadn't been in our school for more than a week but he was already on everyone's tongue. He gained popularity in one day. I'm certain he was already getting party invitations.

He was a hot twelfth grader after all.

I always thought there was nobody to challenge Levi out there. And boy was I wrong. Zeke had the looks too. Golden hair, azure eyes, drool-worthy body and an ear piercing.

What more could we ask for?


He was nice to me and that honestly shocked me because I was expecting him to be arrogant. But, I learnt that being arrogant was probably a Levi Hansen thing. He was the reason behind some of my expectations in hot guys.

Was there a secret formula for being approachable?

It wasn't something I knew of.

I wanted to arrive early to my Geography lesson. The teacher informed us about a revision test and I clearly hadn't studied. Yesterday I was going through the pain of being fired from my part-time job at the candy store and didn't think about schoolwork. I definitely made the wrong choices. I had spent half an hour telling the shop manager why I didn't come to work. And she didn't buy any of it.

Not that I was selling it.

I don't know what came over me. Going to work had never crossed my mind and now I was jobless. The shop manager didn't believe that I had an anxiety attack and that the psychiatrist told me to stay at home. What now? Was my life going to turn cliché and land me a job at a diner?

It was obvious I had to find another job because how was I going to pay back Levi?

I unzipped my bag and exchanged books.

"Debbie, correct?" Naomi - one of Odette's best friends - appeared next to me, scaring the sugar out of me. She was wearing a neutral coloured dress. Her outrageous neon pink lipstick and silver eyeshadow gave her all the colour she needed.

I was confused because she hardly spoke to me. In fact, she never spoke to me. The only reason she knew about my existence was because Odette was in Art class with me and she didn't miss telling her friends about some of my embarrassing moments.

"Yes, but I think you're at the wrong locker," I let out.

"I'm actually here to talk to you."

"About what?" I asked, getting confused by the second. I shut my locker and faced her.

"Have you been hanging out with the most popular group in school? One of my acquaintances said she saw you with Levi. Is it true?"

"I don't know what you are talking about."

"She said saw you at the Big Mug with him."

I didn't know the name of the coffee shop but I was a regular customer - what could I say, they made awesome tea. It was a shame, really.

"I haven't been hanging out with the group of twelfth graders, but I did go to the coffee shop with Levi," I answered, not seeing the big deal.

Her face turned from normal to excited. "Really? Girl, why are you taking this lightly? You went to the coffee shop with the most popular guy in school. This is massive!" she stated, her voice dripping pure ecstasy.


"So are you guys friends or something? How did you start hanging out with him, or them?" Naomi questioned. "It's surprising that they don't have articles about this on the website?"

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