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We broke Zeke's bed.

That was the only thing on my mind at the moment. Zeke sighed for the fifth time - yes, I counted - and got off the bed. A voice at the back of my mind was telling me that I was to blame. This had never happened to me before and I didn't know how to react.

I thought of his mother. The poor woman would have to pay for a new bed frame. Way to go Debbie...

The painting had landed safely on the hardwood flooring. There was no need to save it. Too bad we couldn't change what had already taken place. I got off the bed as well and found myself having a stare contest with Zeke. Nobody moved. He was wearing an expression I couldn't understand.

"No words can express how-" I started but he cut me off.

"No, Debbie. Don't apologise," he began. "You didn't do anything wrong. I wasn't expecting this. I thought this bed frame-" He was silenced by a knock on the door. This made the both of us freeze.

"Why don't you two come downstairs for a minute? We have guests," Mrs Rivera told us as she opened the door, making her head visible. We were surely acting suspicious.

Zeke recovered from his shock and quickly said, "Sure, Ma. We'll be down in a sec."

His mother looked at me with a smile before leaving. Unlike Zeke, she had dark eyes and hair.

"Uh, Zeke. About my pants..." I trailed off sheepishly. How could I meet his mother's guests with different coloured paints on my butt? I mentally slapped myself for having to deal with this embarrassing moment.

"Oh yeah," he let out, sounding like he just remembered.

The moment I entered the living room with Zeke, I sighted a beautiful lady sitting with Mrs Rivera. Her shiny hair was in a neat bun. I suddenly felt extremely nervous.

"Oh. Finally," Mrs Rivera acknowledged our presence. The other lady immediately gazed at us and I couldn't help but notice the colour of her eyes. Her eyes held a lot of intensity, reminding me of a certain someone... a certain jerk.

"Hello, Auntie," Zeke went to hug the lady. She was smiling warmly at him.

"Who is she?" she questioned when her eyes landed on me. She looked at me up and down repeatedly. Why did I get the feeling that she didn't like me already?

I couldn't blame her. I was wearing Zeke's shorts, which I secured with my trusty belt so they wouldn't fall. This look wasn't decent at all and I'm sure Mrs Rivera hadn't noticed yet.

"This is Debbie. Debbie, this is our neighbour Mrs Hansen," Zeke introduced as he sat on the sofa across from the mothers. I knew she had the same eyes as Levi.

"Good afternoon," I smiled and she simply nodded. I glanced at Zeke nervously and he patted on the space next to him. I quickly sat down and took in the feel of the living room for the first time. The monochrome mural caught my attention first. 'Expressing Yourself Can Never Be A Sin' was written in beautiful calligraphy.

Such beautiful word art.

My eyes moved to Zeke and he nodded, answering my unspoken question. Man, he was really good at this.

"You two seem to be very good friends," Mrs Hansen spoke using a thoughtful voice. She must have noticed our silent convo.

This caused Mrs Rivera to smile warmly. "I believe so," she agreed as she nodded continuously. She sent Zeke a look which we all caught. Not so subtle then.

"Ma, please don't do this."

Zeke was clearly avoiding my gaze. He jumped to his feet when the doorbell rang.

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