×| TWENTY - SIX |×

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EVELYN'S BACK HAD BEEN HURTING FOR DAYS, even after she'd gone back to Madame Pomfrey to have it checked when she'd realised it had almost been a week and the sting was still there. Apparently there was nothing the matron could do about it - her back would just take it's time to stop feeling so sore. Evelyn was just surprised that a pain relief potion or charm didn't exist yet, but it seemed that that was a bridge healers just weren't ready to cross.

She'd noticed it loosening up a bit over the last two days. It was a good thing too - not only because Roger had grown fed up of her missing quidditch practices but also as she was incredibly bored of the lingering, aching feeling that followed her wherever she went.

So she'd practically skipped the whole way down to the dungeons for potions class when, upon waking up, she'd realised the pain had subsided. She'd even had a little wiggle and a dance in the bathroom before breakfast to make sure it wouldn't come back. Max seemed to think she was mad for being so excited when heading for one of Snape's lessons first thing on a Tuesday morning. Nikki was certain that she was happy about something else entirely - "with valentine's coming up, it's no wonder she's excited. Can't imagine what Ethan's got planned for you" she had said with a wink when Evelyn sat down at the dining table earlier. Evelyn just shook her head and started breakfast. She was just glad she could move without wincing.

Professor Snape also seemed to notice her somewhat unusually vibrant mood.

"Is something funny, miss Fortescue?" He'd sneered when he'd spotted her jaw-breaking smile. She felt filled with energy - bouncing her knee up and down as she smiled up at the professor.

"No sir."

"Then why are you grinning like a deranged leprechaun?" He asked, "You are aware you are supposed to be brewing a strengthening solution, not an elixir to induce euphoria, are you not?"

"Of course sir, we're on step six already. And I wouldn't need an elixir to induce euphoria even if we were brewing it, I already feel exceptionally euphoric."

"I'm inclined to think you've been drinking firewhisky, Miss Fortescue. However on this occasion I will suspend my suspicion on the basis that you stop dancing around and focus." Evelyn nodded happily. Snape eyed her curiously but moved around the table she shared with Max and slunk over to where Fred, George and Lee sat, laughing, "and what is so highly amusing, Mister's Weasley and Jordan." He hissed.

"Oh nothing important, sir." Fred stated, grinning, "it's just we thought it was rather silly of you to spend so much of the lesson time interrogating an innocent Ravenclaw like Evelyn."

"And why, Mr Weasley, are you so concerned with my time management this morning. Unless, of course, there's something you wish to inform me of." His face came uncomfortably close to Fred's, but the Gryffindor kept grinning.

"No sir."

"Jordan? Weasley?" He snapped his head around in their direction, eyes boring into them.

"No sir." George and Lee replied, just as innocently as Fred had. Snape's eyes lingered on them for a moment longer, then flicked back to Evelyn and Max, who quickly went back to weighing their powered griffin claw. He kept his gaze between their two tables as he slowly rounded back to his desk, slowly lowering himself into his chair, not once taking his eyes off of them - specifically Fred George and Lee who had made it their mission to stare directly back at him. Evelyn made it her mission to pay no attention at all or else she'd come under the professor's suspicion for simply grinning once again.

Roger Davies shrieked a girlish scream. His cauldron exploded with fireworks and foaming orange bubbles.

Evelyn had nearly fallen from her stool at the sudden noise. The room had dissolved into a giggling mess, with Roger having jumped up to stand on his stool just to get away from the explosives. Fred, George and Lee were doubled over, howling as Roger cowered. Evelyn caught Fred's eye briefly, and suddenly she was laughing quietly too.

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