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"ISN'T IT BEAUTIFUL?" Evelyn asked softly. She, Max, Nikki and Ashton were gathered at the Ravenclaw table for breakfast. They had returned to Hogwarts the night before, and in a tired, mildly frenzied state, had not shared many stories of their time at home before now.

"It sure is." Nikki leaned across the table, over her bowl of Cheri-owls that Evelyn was sure would topple over at any moment, to gaze at the necklace. Of course Nikki would like it, Evelyn always did say that Nicole Shaeleen was similar to a niffler in her love for all things gold and silver. In fact, her most prized Christmas present had been a pair of golden earrings.

"It looks blinking expensive though." Max commented through a mouthful of sausage.

"I know." Evelyn grinned, still completely taken by the charm.

"Ethan must really like you..." Nikki said dreamily, "and the kiss! Evie, I swear you're far too lucky for your own good."

"I agree." Ashton acknowledged, wiping his mouth, "I mean, you've got the second best racing broom out there." Evelyn laughed.

"You're still hung up on that?" She asked. Ashton nodded and went back to his bacon and eggs, "Anyway, yes I suppose I am pretty lucky. For the time being anyway." She took another sip of pumpkin juice.

"I'd say you're incredibly lucky." Said a familiar voice suddenly from behind her. Evelyn's pumpkin juice nearly exploded from her lips in surprise at first, and then, with a sigh and a smile, Evelyn tucked the necklace back inside her shirt, brushed down her skirt and turned around, standing, to face the intruder.

"Frederick, George." She said, eyebrows raised as she looked at the ginger boys. Fred (Evelyn didn't know when or how, but she'd started to be able to tell the difference between the boys) lifted a hand to his chest with a grin.

"Ha! Progress!" He exclaimed triumphantly, "You said my actual name! Does that mean I'm allowed to call you Evie now?"

"No." Evelyn replied. Fred frowned dramatically whilst George laughed, "But you can call me Evelyn if you want to."

"Alright Evelyn," Fred's frown left his face instantaneously as he continued with his train of thought, "how did you like the book?"

Max, Nikki and Ashton, who had become rather quiet in their bid to listen to the conversation, whispered confusedly as Evelyn glanced at them, mouthing 'I'll show you later.' She then turned back to the freckled twins standing before her with curious expressions. She smiled, looking down at her feet.

"I loved it." She mumbled, "I do love it. It's beautiful. Thank you."

"Well that's a relief."

"What do you mean?"

"He means," George stepped in, "that he's been terrified of your reaction ever since Errol left our house. Almost every conversation we've had was interrupted with this one asking -" he jabbed a finger at his brother, clearing his throat and putting on a high pitched voice, "oh George, my dear, vastly superior brother! What if the girl who is constantly in the kitchens doesn't like the recipe notebook I got her? Oh what will I do? Surely she'll murder me for wasting her time!"

Evelyn laughed as Fred's face turned a concerning shade of heart attack maroon. He pulled at his collar and wiped his palms on his thighs, chuckling in embarrassment.

"Well... I didn't... I didn't exactly say that, I just... Well... You never know do you?.. and I thought... If you didn't... If you didn't..."

"Like it?" Evelyn offered, amused and intrigued by the sudden lack of cohesive words in the boy.

"Right. Like it. Well, I thought that if you didn't... I thought you might not... Oh I don't know. It's stupid." He said rather frustratedly, "And George, my dear, vastly inferior brother, I'm almost certain I do not sound anything like that." George, who had been laughing silently this whole time with Max Ashton and Nikki, received a hand to the back of the head shortly thereafter.

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