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EVELYN WAS TERRIFIED. Never in her life had she thought that something as simple as a boy could give her such a feeling. Such a terrible, terrible feeling of "something not right here" or "this is too good to be true." Evelyn never thought she would fear a boy or his actions, yet here she was, eating her lunch, and completely dreading what was to happen when the clock striked six.

It wasn't Fred himself who scared her - nor George - but instead the undoubtedly ridiculous game she would be required to play, because surely it would work in Fred's favour. It was inevitably going to play out to a Weasley twin's tune - and the pure fact that Evelyn had a pretty good idea of what he would want her to do, did not settle the monster in her stomach whatsoever.

"Evie, are you okay?" Ashton asked, a worried expression plastered on his face as he watched the girl opposite him stare blankly at her sandwich. Evelyn wiped her eyes as she looked up.

"I'm fine," She replied, "just... Thinking." Nikki wrapped an arm around her shoulders and gave her a quick side hug that Evelyn returned.

"You sure?" she asked, "It's just, you seem more distant than ever."

"I'm fine, I promise." Evelyn smiled softly, "It's just, I'm not sure if I really want to meet the twins at six... But at the same time I really do want to! It's very confusing."

"Well, either you do or you don't, it's your choice," Nikki pointed out, standing up slowly and slinging her bag over her shoulder, "but I've got Herbology in two minutes, so I'll see you later."

"Bye, and thanks." Evelyn muttered as Nikki made her way out of the great hall. Ashton finished his final bite of sausage roll.

"Come on Evie," He said, "We've got Care of magical Creatures." Evelyn nodded and stood up to follow him. Suddenly, Ashton stopped. He turned around.

"Just remember that if you want to back out now, and those ginger idiots wont let you, just yell at me amd I'll kick their sorry faces into the whomping willow." He stated, very seriously, then he flashed his prefect badge at her, "Or maybe I can just put them in detention or something." Evelyn smiled again.

"Sure thing Ashes," she replied as they started to walk out again, "If I need backup, I'll call. not that you'd be much help anyway."


"Joking! Joking! Lighten up man."


As six o'clock drew nearer, Evelyn became restless with her inability to decide wether to go or not. It was pulling her brain to pieces, and certainly not in a good way. Seven times in the last hour had she changed her mind - going back and forth from yes to no.

As the small clock on the wall struck quater to six, Evelyn's mind switched again from yes to no. Then suddenly, after a second's pause, Evelyn pushed herself forcefully upwards. Screw it, she thought and ran quickly out of the Ravenclaw Common room.

"Time to live a little... I suppose Max did always tell me to do that..." Evelyn whispered to herself. She shook off the thought of her former best friend who still had not said a word to her as she galloped down the spiral staircase. The monster of fear that resided in her stomach still prevailed - and Evelyn was sure it wouldn't be going anywhere until at least ten o'clock that night. If her hunch was right, tonight would be her very first taste of the twins' favourite hobby...

If she had been asked, she certainly wouldn't have chosen to do that.

Several sets of stairs later, Evelyn found herself standing awkwardly in front of the Gryffindor common room's guardian portrait.

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