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EVELYN HAD FORGOTTEN JUST HOW FREEING FLYING FELT. Quidditch was expressive and open - she could soar and dive and roll and circle through the air to her hearts content when she rode that broomstick and there would be nobody to spoil the fun. No professor Unbridge breathing down her neck, no chance of running into Ethan again, no reason to be anything but happy.

Evelyn intercepted a pass from Elias Chambers to Cecilia Bradley, dodged a bludger and sent the scarlet ball right through the hoop behind Grant Page's head. She had to admit, this Quidditch captain business was nowhere near as stressful as she'd imagined it might be. Perhaps it was something to do with the team she'd chosen, maybe the fact that Cho offered to help her organise things more often than not (Evelyn assumed Cho enjoyed it as a distraction) or it could have been simply because anything was less infuriating and stressful than N.E.W.Ts, but the fact remained that Evelyn was quite pleased with her new role. Two years ago she could never have imagined herself leading a demonstration or lecturing on strategy, and yet now she could stand comfortably in front of her team and answer any questions they might have.

My team, Evelyn thought with a smile as she motioned for everybody to dismount as a sign that practice was over. She landed easily and swept her broomstick out from beneath her, leaning it on end against the side of the Quidditch stands as the other players landed in front of her - Grant first and Jane Smith the overenthusiastic beater last.

"Great effort today everybody," Evelyn grinned around at them, beginning the session review, "I just have a few thoughts and things I want some of you to work on next practice. Elias - your aim is excellent but I think just putting a bit more power into your shots might be beneficial. Jane, i'd like you to think about the opposite and fine tune your precision, and Milo, I need you to work on your confidence for me. You've got good skill but you'll do much better if you can learn to trust your instincts."

"Any pointers for me, captain?" Grant asked cheekily. Evelyn crossed her arms over her chest and smirked at him.

"Yes. Don't let the quaffle through the hoops." She said, and then, "off you go then. Don't forget next practice is on Friday night."

The team began to make their way off of the pitch and back to the changing rooms. Evelyn put the quaffle back in its case and mounted her broomstick again. She kicked off of the ground, taking the time to sweep around the pitch a few more times and welcoming the wind in her hair and the thrill of flight itself under the guise of further speed training.

"Miss Fortescue," came a call from beneath her, and Evelyn immediately dove back to the ground at the sight of Madame hooch standing with her hands on her hips on the pitch below, amber eyes watching Evelyn closely.

"Yes professor? Sorry - I was just fitting in some extra training before the team's next session." Evelyn said. Madame hooch nodded her approval with a small smile before her face set back to serious.

"That's actually what I've come to talk to you about, Evelyn," hooch said carefully, and Evelyn felt a lump rise in her throat at the referee's tone, "I'm afraid there will be no practice for ravenclaw team - or any team - from here on out."

"What? Why?" Evelyn exclaimed, feeling blood rush to her head and trying not to let her emotions get the better of her. Madame hooch shook her head almost sadly.

"Professor Umbridge has had all student organisations banned. I'm afraid that this includes all house Quidditch teams. Practice is suspended until further notice, but Evelyn, if I were you, I'd speak to professor flitwick. He may be able to appeal to Headmaster Dumbledore on behalf of the house and have your team reinstated."

Evelyn nodded meekly and thanked Madame hooch, who promptly left her to head back to the changing room. By that time, the evening sun had set into a dusky indigo and the pinprick lights from the windows of Hogwarts looked like the brightest stars in the darkening sky. It should have been a pretty sight, but Evelyn's mind was now full of concerns about the future and success of her Quidditch team. By the time she'd returned to the changing rooms and stepped under the harsh hot water the rest of the team had already retired for the night and Evelyn was left entirely alone with her thoughts.

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