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EVELYN WIPED A LAYER OF SWEAT FROM HER BROW. With their next game less than a week away, Roger had the Ravenclaw Quidditch team training especially hard. In fact, he'd had them training vigorously ever since the start of January after he'd heard of their next opponent. Slytherin. Apparently, this news had shaken his confidence in the team - the Slytherin's all had nimbus 2001's whilst on the Ravenclaw team, even though Evelyn herself had a matching broomstick, every other player was still riding outdated models. And even without the advantage of speed - Slytherin would remain a formidable opponent. They were ruthless, as everyone found out when Marcus Flint bulldozed Cho from her broomstick the previous year.

"Nice throw Evelyn - but next time try to make it smoother. Page, that Starfish and stick was abysmal. Do it again." Roger commented, who had been flying past as Evelyn launched the quaffle at their keeper. Grant hadn't managed to save her shot. A mistake on his part, as their irritable captain was now talking his ear off. As Roger was distracted, Evelyn took the opportunity to head back to the ground and grab a drink of water before the rigorous practice continued.

Cho appeared beside her almost as soon as she'd landed and took a swig of water from her own bottle before flopping down onto the grass with a sigh. Evelyn soon followed suit.

"He's getting more intense by the session." Cho complained, taking another drink. Evelyn nodded in agreement and fixed her gaze on the goalposts where Roger was still lecturing Grant Page.

"You haven't come under fire yet. You won't know his true power until you do. It's quite terrifying really."

"Well I'd rather not experience that at all." Cho replied, laughing, "Anyhow - I've been meaning to ask you - how's it going with your boyfriend? Patterson." Evelyn tore her eyes from the air and faced down at the ground. She pulled a lonely daisy from the grass and twirled it's stem around her fingers.

"Well. It's going well." She said, still not looking up.

"Just well? I thought you two were going strong. Marrietta told me she saw you kissing outside the history of magic classroom." Evelyn could hear the smirk in Cho's voice, "It was pretty passionate according to her."

"I don't know what you're talking about." Evelyn forced the words out. She felt her face heating up. She hadn't really said much about her relationship with Ethan to anybody apart form Max, Nikki and Ashton. She didn't really discuss anything private with anyone but them at the best if times - but this was different. It was new. Even now as their third month together commenced, she was no more confident or comfortable with broadcasting anything outside of her close group of friends. It hadn't really hit her until recently that people knew about them already and would continue to know even more. She supposed she'd just have to get used to it. She enjoyed being with Ethan, he treated her well and they had fun together, so there was really no reason to be embarrassed. Even still, Evelyn's cheeks glowed pink as she turned her face away from the ground.

"Of course you don't." Cho smiled, having taken the hint. She craned her neck to see over Evelyn's shoulder, "Speaking of the devil, Evelyn - look who's just shown up." She pointed, raising her eyebrows. Evelyn turned and followed the line from Cho's finger to the very edge of the quidditch pitch. There, with a scarf piled around his neck, stood Ethan. He waved at her to come over. Cho pushed Evelyn in his direction.

"Roger won't be happy if -" Evelyn started to say, but Cho interrupted her.

"Go. If he doesn't like it we'll hex him." She laughed. Evelyn smiled gratefully and stood up, taking a short jog over to where Ethan was standing.

"Good evening, your majesty." Ethan bowed as she neared and then took her into his arms with a kiss. Evelyn pulled away rather hastily - aware of the quidditch practice still going on behind her.

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