The atmosphere around Hogwarts has changed with the weather, it's grew darker, it had a sense of urgency and anxiety, as if preparing for something big to happen. Mostly everyone could feel it, even the paintings were whispering, everyone knew something wasn't right, something was about to change for the worse.

I envied those who were oblivious to the turning times, the people who were jolly, lifting their own spirits up, nieve and innocent. They didn't feel it, they didn't feel the change, the seriousness of the situations that are yet to come. They still felt safe in Hogwarts like I had been for so many years.

Many people suspected it was Voldemort, since the monster had revived from the depths of death the wizarding world wasn't the same, the ministry has been under pressure from the start to keep a positive public appearance, one of hope and morality, but behind the fake publicity was the truth, that Voldemort was preparing himself, preparing an army, preparing for war.

Oh to be blissfully ignorant to the troublesome times that lie ahead. At least I had people surrounding me that I love dearly with all my heart. Luna and Cho would never leave and well Draco, he's Draco, I couldn't ask for anything more.

"Lia..." I felt a nudge at my arm as Cho was looking at me intently as were the rest of the students in the class, all eyes on me. I pick my head up off my hand and clear my throat.

"Miss Fay, if you're done day dreaming..." Snape's voice dragged as I nod embarrassed. "Suggest a spell you could use to get away from enemies."

"Umm..." I struggle to get my words out.

"I suggest you pay attent-"

"Impedimenta." I cut him off to answer the question. He nodded acknowledging my answer and returned back to teaching the class, disheartened that he couldn't humiliate me further.

Gladly fleeing from Snape's classroom I turned around the corner to be startled by a tall blonde towering over me, smiling with his eyes.

"Eager to leave?" He questioned, sensing my desire to be anywhere but near his room.

"More than ever." I take his hand and drag him away quickly.

"I have somewhere we can escape to, I want to show you something there anyway." He said taking a sharp left down the hall, jerking me slightly too hard that I tripped. Stabling myself again I sent him a huffy face to which he just laughed at.

"Cheer up darling you didn't die." I rolled my eyes taking his hand that was held out in front of me once again.

Draco lead me around a maze of halls I swear I'd never seen before in my whole six years at Hogwarts, the further we went, the darker and colder it grew. The podiums of fire that normally lit the castle corridors were dim and flickering at the slightest gust of wind that drafted through the stone walls.

"Draco, where are we going." I giggle with excitement, anticipating if there was a secret part of the castle I hadn't been to before.

"Just shush damn it." He fires back with a grin that was bright enough to light the hallway we raced through.

We stopped in front of a wall, a wall that looked no different from any other wall, just grey sandstone placed by hand that was chipped and dirty like the rest of them. I turned to look at Draco who's smile hadn't faded, "Wha-"

"I said shush." His smile grew as the outline of an ancient viking door appeared replacing any doubt of it being a normal wall. The door stood proud of its beauty as Draco motioned to enter.

"The room of requirement?"

"How did you know about this?" The smirk dropped from his face realising this wasn't new to me and he hadn't just introduced me to the secrets of this castle.

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