You say you want a revolution

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Captain Edward stepped from the wooden planks of the bridge that connected his ship and the mossy stone of the dock. The serval's ears twitched as he surveyed the spaceport. Captain Hawkins wasn't exaggerating when he described the state of Calypso-vines and foliage twisted around the streets and buildings, making it all look in a greater state of disarray. His slitted eyes narrowed as he pulled a pocket-watch from his coat, confirming that he was ten minutes early.

The sound of engines whirring and rumbling boomed over the din of the darkened port, causing Edward to look up. Another Navy ship was flying to a dock two away from his-not that he would have recognized it as a Federal vessel if not for his decades of experience. Captain Clark had done well in disguising his ship; covering the R.L.S name with tarps and sheets, dressing his crew in common sailor's attire, and busying his men with crates of alleged goods.

The feline watched as the ship boarded, two dock guards approaching the vessel as the crew secured it. A fox dressed in pirate-like Captain's apparel met the guards at the end of his bridge, arms folded behind his back. Edward observed them as they spoke before Clark plopped a small sack into one of the men's outstretched hands. The two left as the fox folded his arms behind his back. The man gazed at the port before his head turned to Edward. He waved.

Edward smiled, returning the gesture as he made his way towards the officer. "Hello, there Captain," the feline said, shaking Clark's hand. "Happy to see you showed," the fox responded, golden eyes narrowing as he grinned. "Captain Hawkins here yet?" Edward hummed, looking towards the towns. "I don't believe so-unless that's him there?" He said, pointing a clawed finger to the road. A young brunette was pushing his way through the crowd, a pink blob just above his shoulder, and a tall cragorian at his side.

The two officers turned to face them as they approached. Jim's eyes were stern and determined as he stopped in front of them, giving them a salute. They returned it. "Captain Hawkins?" Edward questioned, holding out a hand. Jim shook it, nodding. "The one and only. Thank you for coming on short notice," the brunette said, shaking Clark's hand as well.

Clark's ears twitched. "Duty to the crown-besides, this planet needs a thorough sweep. As soon as we get those people out of here, I'm sending a letter to the Capitol for a deep crime-check request. Who knows what else is hiding here..." Onyx nodded in agreement. "Indeed, sir. Captain Edward, is your crew ready?" The feline looked back to his ship where his first officer waved, giving a nod. "Yes," he responded, canines flashing. Onyx put his hands behind his rocky back as Edward gestured to his officer. "Here's a map of where your skiffs can fly to, we'll have people waiting for you..." Onyx said as he and the felinoid walked to the ship.

Jim and Clark watched them leave. "And is your crew ready?" The young Captain questioned. Clark smiled. "As we'll ever be. Lead on, Hawkins."


Jim peered through the dense fog as he maneuvered his skiff just over the blackened trees to the villages. The others following close behind in their longboats stayed low to keep as quiet as possible, their machines' only sound a dim hum. No one spoke as they journeyed.

Jim's eyes narrowed as he tried to look through the fog. A cold wind blew around them and the lad felt his fingers stiffen around the steer of the skiff. Silver sat next to him examining the area, his mechanical eye zooming in and out of focus, still unable to see much through the thick mist. Despite it being late evening, the towns were eerily dim in a gray light, barely enough to see, but Jim still kept a small lantern at the head of his longboat.

"There," Anna called back softly from the bow, pointing downwards. Jim began a gradual decent, going slow, cautiously avoiding tree branches and decrepit buildings. He came to a gentle stop in a widened alleyway, glancing back to where the others halted behind him, awaiting direction. 

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