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"It's alright Mom, I've got it," Jim tried to assure Sarah, gently kicking the front door open as he balanced baskets of groceries in his arms. "Sweetheart, you just got back, you must be exhausted-" the woman tried to protest as her son continued to the kitchen with his cargo. Jim began to whistle, barely turning his head to give his mother a look of feigned innocence as he passed through the doorway separating the dining room. 

Sarah shook her head, placing her hands on her hips, but she couldn't help the smile pulling at her mouth as she moved to help Jim put away the groceries. "I wasn't expecting you back so early," she remarked contently over the sound of Morph's chirps (who was happily snacking on a stray cracker). "Me neither. Solar currents got strong over the Astrobar Clusters," the boy spoke, taking jam jars to the pantry. 

"But I...won't be staying long," he trailed off quietly, an obvious crestfallen tone in his voice. Sarah turned her head, her previous smile falling into a passive frown. "They calling you out soon?" She asked gently.

Jim nodded, trying to keep his expression from turning completely sour. "They gave us less than two days. I'll have to leave tomorrow," he muttered, shoulders slumping as he paused at the counter, canned fruits in his hands with eyes cast downward.

Sarah sighed, slowly coming behind her son as she wrapped her arms around him, giving him a comforting hug. She felt his limbs relax somewhat, already able to feel the tenseness in them as Jim exhaled. "I was just hoping..." he spoke quietly, pondering the jars in his hands. "That we'd be able to stay...for just a little longer."

His mother rested her head on the boy's shoulder, giving a light squeeze as she ran a hand up and down his arm soothingly. "I know Jim. I know you miss home," she whispered gently. "But I'll take the time I have with you here. It isn't nothing, even if it's not much." 

Jim nodded, sighing as he turned and embraced her. "Yeah," he spoke quietly. He held her for a moment longer before parting to steal a glance to the ceiling. 

"But while I'm here, I want to introduce you to some friends," he said, mouth turning upward into a subtle smile. He gestured toward the dining room, making a silent invitation for Sarah to follow him out of the kitchen. As they exited back into the warmly-lit entrance hall, Jim caught view of Silver coming down the stairs, two girls in tow.

"Ahoy Jimbo," the cyborg spoke, spying the lad as he made it to the last step, extending a hand to assist Anna and Victoria as they descended down the rest of the stairwell. "Hi, Jim," Anna smiled, offering a nod of thanks to Silver before turning her eyes back to the boy. "We heard your mother was coming back from town and thought she could use some help with cargo."

"Well, I'm afraid he's beat you to it," Sarah spoke from behind Jim. Forgetting she was there, he jumped lightly as she stepped from behind him to stand in front of her new guests. "Oh, uh-mom, this is Anna and Victoria," Jim ushered hurriedly, extending a hand to the girls. "Our new crew members," he added as Sarah stepped forward, embracing each with a smile.

"We're so happy to have you," the woman spoke. "I hope you enjoy your stay, short-lived though it may be."

"Speaking of short-lived," Vicky added with widened eyes. "My boots got so worn in that comet shower; they've got holes! I'm going to catch the trolley into town, get something new before everything closes. See you all at dinner!" She spoke quickly, giving Anna a quick hug before darting out the front door into the rain, her fiery-red hair the last visible trace of her existence.

Her sudden disappearance left all but Anna momentarily stunned, she apparently used to it as she drew her shawl tighter around her shoulders. "Thank you for accommodating us, Mrs. Hawkins," she spoke politely with a small smile, tucking a stray hair back into her loose bun. 

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