Play Me a Tune?-Instrumentals and the like

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Hello, dear readers! Firstly, thank you for making it this far in my book, I'm honored to see that so many people click to it when I update, it's a true pleasure to have an audience. Secondly, this is NOT a chapter of the story. What this page here is where I'll be putting a link to a YouTube album. When writing, music usually comes to mind for certain scenes and encounters, so I decided to assemble a playlist of those songs. This chapter and the playlist will be updated as the story progresses. Completely optional, but highly recommended. Thanks for tuning in, more to come in the very near future!


Song 1: Chapter 1-Jim takes Silver back to the Adventurer

Song 2: Chapter 3-Dinner scene

Song 3: Chapter 4-Jim on the bowsprit

Song 4: Chapter 5-Hiking through Irenia

Song 5: Chapter 7-Racing

Song 6: Chapter 10-Annabelle sings

Song 7: Chapter 13-Jim waits for Anna

Song 8: Chapter 13-Anna tells her story

Song 9: Chapter 13-Jim makes a plan

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