A Pirate's Life For Me

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Jim finished clipping his earring on, adjusting his new tunic as he got changed in his cabin. Everyone on deck was dressing down out of their navy outfits into more...rugged looking clothing in preparation for their docking at Calypso. He glanced himself over in his mirror, rolling up the sleeves of his shirt. It had been a long while since he had wore an earring, but he was glad to still have it now. It really completed his renegade look. 

Instead of his Captain uniform, he now had on a light top, dark trousers, and a pair of his more worn boots. He ran a hand through his hair as he grabbed a long jacket from his closet. Not quite a trench-coat, but definitely on the bigger side. He chuckled as he looked at his reflection. He looked like his teenage self again these new clothes.

He stepped out of his cabin into his stateroom, holding out a hand to Morph who had been playing around with his stamps. "Hey, there. How do I look?" 

Morph giggled, twirling in circles. "I'll take that as a 'good', then," Jim said with a lopsided grin. They walked out to the top deck, seeing Silver, Onyx, and B.E.N. up there talking at the helm. 

"Hi," the boy said, moving to stand with the group. Silver gave a hearty laugh at Jim's appearance. "Why, Jimbo lad! Yer t'a spittin' image of me old cabin boy!" B.E.N. perked up at the Captain's arrival, eyes widening. "He sure does!" The robot added enthusiastically. The boy shrugged, putting his hands in his pockets. "Just about," he replied. John ruffled the lad's hair playfully. "All ye need is that old braid o' yers and you'd be set!" Jim grinned, rubbing the back of his neck.

He looked over at his first-mate who had a nervous countenance. "Lookin' good there, Onyx," Jim remarked. The cragorian wore a white-collared shirt with dark trousers and boots, completed with a brown tricorn hat and black overcoat. Onyx cleared his throat, glancing down, seemingly embarrassed. "It certainly isn't my most...formal look. But, it'll have to do." Jim gave the man a smile, cocking his head to his shoulder. "Sure will. I think those ruffians on Calypso will fall for it," he said. Silver nodded. "Looks like everybody will. All dressed up n' ready I t'ink."

Jim checked a pocket-watch from his coat, eyebrows narrowing. "Hope so. Cause we should be landing in less than an hour." He looked up at the cyborg. "I've been thinking. None of us here really know how to interact with criminals, so I'm worried that we could blow our cover." John rubbed his chin in thought. "So, what do we do about that?" He asked. 

"Well," Jim started. "I was thinking you could act as our Captain while we're here." Onyx raised an eyebrow and Silver scratched his head. "Ye sure 'bout that, lad?" The cragorian tapped his chin in thought. "It really isn't a bad idea. You are, after all, the most accustomed to criminals out of everyone on board. You would better know what to expect." Morph giggled and flew over to the cyborg. "Besides, you already kinda look like a pirate Captain-no offence," Jim added.

"Yer all sure about this?" Silver asked, looking at his mates in worry. They nodded. "Well then. Guess that's settled," the cyborg said, tickling Morph, who nested comfortably on the ursid's shoulder. That was when B.E.N. nervously raised a hand, holding out his navigation plate and locating device. "Uh, Captain Jimmy sir-we uh-we have a problem." Jim raised an eyebrow. "What's up?" He asked. 

"Well, um. Well you see, uh...I can't find the treasure." The robot said hurriedly. "What do you mean, 'you can't find the treasure'?" Onyx asked, a confused look dawning his rocky front. "It's not appearing on my locator," B.E.N. said, holding the thing out for his mates to see. Sure enough, nothing appeared on the planet other than the glowing ring that indicated that the entity did indeed have gold. "So, we can't pinpoint the exact location?" Jim questioned. B.E.N. shook his head.

"Well, that's a problem," the boy said, hand on his chin. Silver scratched his head. "Probably from all da smoke on Calypso. It's polluted bad. That n' rogue smugglin' ships. It could be messin' wid yer trackin' signals." Jim nodded. "That would definitely be an issue." The lad looked to the rest of his group. "Guess we'll be searching for this one manually unless we can find a way to get that thing going again. Are we all on board with that?" His friends looked at each other for a moment before nodding.

"One last thing, then," Jim said, turning to face the deck. Cupping his hands around his mouth, he shouted, "All hands to main deck!"

There was a scurry as all the crew ran from where they were to assemble for their Captain. As soon as they all were accounted for, Jim began to speak. "Men, as you all are well aware, Calypso is a dangerous and unruly planet. So, in preparation for it, I am appointing Mr. Silver with temporary Captain's privileges. Consider every order from him to be from me. When we arrive, do not refer to me as Captain. Am I clear?" There were shouts of "Aye, Captain," from the deck in response. Jim nodded and turned from the helm back to the others.

"Okay, then. I think we're set," Jim said, putting his hands in his pockets. Silver pulled out his looking-glass and peered through it. "Good, 'cause ol' Calypso's dead ahead," the cyborg replied.

Not twenty minutes later, a dock had been chosen and the R.L.S. Adventurer began to land. "Reef t'a sails, lads! Make it sharp! Hudson-hail our landing guard if ye please," Silver called out. Jim was on the mizzen mast, tugging hard on his rope so his companion could securely tie it in place. He looked down at the deck. Honestly, when the cyborg wasn't in charge of a crew of pirates, he made quite a good captain. He had enough command in his voice, but was neither too strict or too lenient. With a grunt, Jim pulled the rope the rest of the way, allowing his crew-mate to tie it before climbing down the shrouds.

When he made it to the deck, he spotted John talking with the dock guard. The man made to leave as Jim approached, accepting a weighty bag of coins before his departure. 

Jim looked down at the small spaceport-if you could call it that. Lopsided buildings littered the crowded streets, the filthy cobblestone road hosting a plethora of aliens, many with collars turned up or hoods over their heads. The planet was a dusty one, much like Montressor with its dark overcast and grey buildings, not helped by the few lamps at doors or on the streets. Smog filled the air and the smell of charcoal crept through the atmosphere. There wasn't a naval guard or officer in sight, instead having shady looking men surveying the area. It was anything but inviting.

"So, what's the plan?" Jim asked, coming to stand by the cyborg. Silver glanced up and down the narrow streets ahead of them, eyes narrowing slightly. "Well, I've talked to Onyx, and I t'ink our best choice right now is fer you, me, n' Morphy to go 'round here on our own. Talk ta some people, see what we can find out about the treasure while B.E.N. tries ta figure out t'at gizmo o' his. In da meantime, I gave t'at man there some extra gold ta let us dock here fer a couple o' days. Told him we was havin' trouble findin' our dealer. He was plenty fine wid t'at when I gave him a nice tip." Jim nodded. Silver checked his pocket-watch.

"Well, I figure we should get goin'. We'll want as much time as possible. Are ye ready ta go, Jimbo?" The cyborg asked. Jim felt for some items in his pockets, mentally checking items off as he felt his pistol, cutlass, spare gold sack, handkerchief, and looking-glass. "Yeah," he replied. 

The two stepped down to the dock, heading up one of the foggy, winding streets. John made his voice low and quiet as he murmured to Jim. "Alright. Stick close ta me, don't speak ta anyone unless they speak ta you, keep yer collar turned up and yer head down. Ye got yer cutlass? Good. Let's go."

Jim took one last look at the Adventurer before turning his head back ahead of them as they left the seemingly safer docks. He exhaled deeply. Into the unknown they went.

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