Just a Little Palaver

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The morning was full of getting acquainted with the various crew members on board. Many of them were friends of Jim's from the academy getting experience performing at the crew's separate posts (one of the things necessary for pursuing a career as a high-ranking official). The ship itself was in fine condition and slightly larger than the R.L.S. Legacy with two cabin boys that kept it wonderfully clean and organized. There was a stark contrast between Jim's friends and the rest of the crew, the rest of which were all senior spacers from different reaches of the galaxy who had volunteered to be participants for the Treasure Planet voyage.

After speaking with the cook (an older cat-like alien by the name Francis), John headed up to the top deck where Jim was conversing with B.E.N. and Onyx. "Tis a fine day for sailin' me lads," he said, coming to stand by the trio. Morph flew from Jim's shoulder, coming to say hello to the cyborg. The boy smiled and nodded. "Looks like our route today is going to be a clear one," he remarked, looking out at the bright Etherium. Onyx nodded in agreement. "Hopefully that will help us pass to Irenia quickly," the cragorian spoke in a gravelly voice. "Oh, yeah! We'll be going really fast! B.E.N. said. "By my calculations, we should be there in just a few days!"

Onyx looked over at Jim. "Excuse me Captain while I write my report," he said with a tip of his hat. Jim nodded and Onyx returned the gesture in thanks and headed down to his quarters. When he was out of earshot, John leaned over to Jim. "Reminds me of Mr. Arrow," he said quietly. The boy frowned a little, putting his hands in his pockets, eyebrows furrowing. "That's his nephew."

 "Ah," John replied. "That explains it then." B.E.N. said something about needing to check on the current coordinates and left, leaving Jim and John alone on deck.

"So, what have you been up to these last few years?" Jim questioned, looking up at John. "Do I wanna know?" The cyborg laughed. "Left me life o' piracy Jimbo, no needs worry 'bout that. Just been in a small smuggling ring, tryin' to sail as much as possible. What about you, lad? How was the academy?" Jim smiled. "It was pretty good. Mainly just a lot of drills and experience training. Captain Amelia has taken up teaching there while she and the Doc manage their kids." John chuckled, putting a hand on the boy's shoulder. "Smart lad ye are. Potential ain't lost on ye."

The rest of the day passed quickly while Jim and Silver caught each other up on their lives from their years apart, telling stories and sharing more than a few laughs. Soon, they heard Francis calling the crew for supper. By the time they reached the galley, most everyone else was there, tucking into their meals and chatting. Jim and John took a seat next to Onxy, B.E.N., and Francis who were all at the bench nearest the kitchen.

"Mighty fine dish ye got here Franny," John said, taking another bite of his dinner. "Thank you kindly!" The cook responded with a hearty laugh. "The Captain here tells me that you were chef back on the Legacy! Maybe you'd like to join me for a little cook-off sometime," the cat offered. John chuckled. "Well who'd be a humble cook ta decline a challenge like that," the cyborg remarked jovially. Suddenly, the two cabin boys (an 18-year old human and a 19-year old lion alien) both leaped onto their table with mugs of purp juice and began dancing and singing. Within minutes, most of the crew were joining them in caroling, spurring the teenagers on as they pranced about the galley. Jim started to clap in time, laughing at the boys and their antics.

Of all the comrades that e'er I had
They're sorry for my going away
And all the sweethearts that e'er I had
They'd wish me one more day to stay

The cabin boys continued their song, drink sloshing from their glasses. John laughed hard and loud, cheering for the lads as they began their next tune. "Never woulda happened on ol' Capn' Amelia's ship!" He said loudly to Jim, watching the boys jump around in circles as the crew cheered and whooped. Jim leaned over, still clapping. "It's good to be with them and allow this kinda thing. Keeps the crew's spirits up," the lad remarked with a huge grin on his face.

The room erupted in laughter as the boys, missing their step, crashed into each other, spilling purp juice all over themselves. Momentarily stunned, they stared at each other with blank expressions on their faces before they pointed at each other and joined in on the laughter. Onyx, who at this point had remained mostly quiet and unenthused allowed a small smile to cross his face before leaving over to Jim. "About time to pack in Captain?" He questioned quietly. The boy checked the hanging clock on the wall opposite him. "Yeah, I guess so," he said, beginning to stand.

In a loud voice, Onyx addressed the crew. "Off to bed, men. Quickly now," He said, escorting them out. There were a few groans of disappointment and words of thanks to the cook as the crew left in groups of two or three, all heading to their quarters, leaving Francis, Jim, John, B.E.N., and the cabin boys in the galley.

The boys and Francis swiftly began clearing the tables as the remaining guests sipped mugs of hot chocolate, taking the moment to chat a little before bed. "Well Jimbo, I haven't had that much fun in ages," John remarked, setting his mug down with a smile on his face. "Jim grinned, setting down his own drink and moving to sit closer to the cyborg. "Those rascals start this up almost every night," he said chuckling. "It's great fun," he added as the younger of the two came over to collect plates from them. Jim winked at him as the boy picked up the dishes and the lad returned the gesture with a grin.

"Yeah, Jimmy is WAY funner than other captains," B.E.N. chimed in. "Now FLINT! That guy was SO unpredictable. One minute we'd be having a good time with him, the next he'd be shooting at the walls! CRAZY!" He half yelled, causing Jim and John to laugh. "Well no wonder he was always havin' to find new crew-mates," Silver said, smiling and wiping a tear from his eye. "He was always shootin' at 'em!" He chuckled. Finished with their drinks, the trio left the galley after thanking Francis and his boys, making their way to their rooms.

"Well Jimbo," said John, clapping the boy on the back. "I could get used to this lad!" Jim smiled up at him. "I could too."

To be continued 

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