Chapter 22 - Me Or Him.

Start from the beginning

Halfway through the lesson Chloe text Charlotte even though she was sitting 2tables in front -

*Chloe - This teacher is a joke!! Seriously xoxo

*Lottie - I know, he keeps eyeing you up xoxo

*Chloe - Oh man, If its not Tyler its someone else xoxo

*Lottie - Lol! Cos ur pretty xoxo

*Chloe - its a curse lol, I'm locking myself in a tower xoxo

*Lottie - haha, you're awesome!! Xoxo

*Chloe - gotta go, Mr.creepy is staring xoxo

Chloe put her phone away and carried on doing her work "Chloe, what have you done? Apart from texting" Chloe grinned "well I've done more than what half these lot have" Jeff raised an eyebrow "oh yeah?" Chloe nodded "but I haven't done the work you set" Jeff frowned "why not?" Chloe shrugged "I know this already" Jeff glared "well its the work I've set" Chloe rolled her eyes "whatever, this lesson is a pile of crap" Jeff walked over to Chloe "follow me, now" Chloe smirked and got her stuff following Mr.Andrews to the cooler.

Chloe entered the cooler with Jeff behind her "you think you're clever don't you?" Chloe smirked "no I don't, but I'd rather not have to do work I've already done" Jeff glared "listen I suggest you keep that mouth of yours shut" Chloe rolled her eyes "or what?" Jeff smirked "you don't wanna know what I'm capable of" Chloe frowned when Jeff took his jacket off and closed the blinds "what the hell are you doing?" Jeff smirked "showing you what I'm capable of" Chloe had to get out of the cooler.

Max was walking to the cooler and frowned when he saw the blinds were closed he turned and made his way to the science lab "Christopher I need you" Chris looked at Max "what's happened?" Max shook his head "not here" Chris looked at the class and saw Chloe wasn't there "has anyone seen Chloe?" Charlotte and Chlo looked at each other "er Sir, that cover teacher took her out the previous lesson" Max frowned "taken her where?" Charlotte shrugged "I don't know" Chris looked at the class "finish the work sheet" Chris and Max left and went back to the cooler.

Arriving at the cooler Max begun banging on the door "open the door!" Chris attempted to look through a gap in the blinds but couldn't see anything. Chloe didn't know weather to be relieved or annoyed when she heard Max's voice "Tyler won't be able to save you now" Chloe frowned as Jeff walked towards her she knew what she needed to do so when he came up to her she kneed him and attempted to run out the cooler but she had to unlock the door "don't think you can escape" Chloe unlocked the door but Jeff grabbed her "GET OFF ME!" Max and Chris entered the cooler "get your hands off of her" Jeff smirked "important to you is she? That's good" Max glared "I said get your filthy hands off her" Chloe stamped on his foot "ouch you little tart" Max was getting angry "let her go" Jeff shook his head "no" Chloe was getting annoyed so she dug her heel into his foot and he let her go "Chloe" Chloe rushed over to Chris who took Chloe outside "Chloe did he hurt you?" Chloe couldn't speak "Chloe did he touch you?" Chloe nodded.

When Max knew Chloe was out of the cooler he turned to Jeff "I told you to get your hands off her" Jeff smirked "got a soft spot for her have you?" Max glared "you will regret the day you put your hands on her" Jeff grinned "try it". Max locked Jeff in the cooler waiting for the police and went to see if Chloe was alright. Entering the office he saw Chris standing outside "where is she?" "In the office" Max nodded "can you wait for the police?" Chris nodded "yeah, I'm assuming Chloe will be alright with you?" Max glared "you know she will". Max walked in the office and closed the door which made Chloe jump "are you alright?" Chloe shook her head "no" Max pulled her off the sofa and into a hug "he's gone, the police are coming".

Max had asked Chris too take Chloe and Aubree home and he agreed. When Chris dropped them off Chloe turned to him "sir can you come in? I don't wanna be on my own" Chris smiled and nodded. Entering the house Chris was shocked "so this is Rachel Mason's house?" Chloe smiled "yeah".

Chris left and Adam came back "I thought your mum told you I was bringing you back?" Chloe rolled her eyes "leave me alone" Adam frowned "no, you need to learn some respect" Chloe glared "you're not my dad! I'd rather have Eddie boss me around then you" Adam glared "well your mum is with me now, Eddie is long gone" Chloe smirked "what you don't understand is that my mum loves Eddie more than she will ever love you". Rachel entered the house and heard the argument between Chloe and Adam "what the hell is going on?" Chloe turned to her mum "you love Eddie, just admit that you do" Rachel sighed "yes part of me will always love Eddie" Chloe grinned which made Adam angry "then you're gonna have to choose" Rachel frowned "choose?" Adam nodded "me or him" Chloe gasped and Rachel didn't even need to think "him" Chloe grinned and Adam got mad "you choose him over me?" Rachel nodded "yeah, Chloe was right, I still love Adam" Chloe smirked at Adam "see ya" Adam glared at Chloe "this isn't over".

Chloe decided to go out for an hour "mum can you keep an eye on Aubree, I'm just going for a walk" Rachel nodded and Chloe left and found herself walking to Max's but she didn't know why. Arriving she smiled when she saw his car she knocked the door and waited for him to answer "Chloe?" She smiled "I wanted to say thank you for earlier, with that creep" Max smirked and pulled her into the house.

Chloe left Max's went back home. Arriving she saw Eddie and Charlotte were there "oh hiya" Charlotte smiled "are you okay?" Chloe nodded "yeah, I had to clear my head" Charlotte smiled "good" Rachel had no idea what happened and Chloe wanted it to stay that way.

A/N - hope youu likeed the update xoxo

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