Chapter 4 - Movie

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His house was somehow not what I expected it to be. As he stepped to the side to remove his shoes, the living room was revealed. It was surprisingly bright for somebody who dressed in borderline gothic attire regularly. There were two very large windows in the walls, filling the room with the natural light of the moon. The furniture definitely was masculine in undertone, the colour palette featuring warm orange tones, grey, and black with silver accents. The centrepiece of the whole room was a stunning black marble fireplace, accented by a glass coffee table with the same black marble used for its legs.

Through the windows, I could see a small yard that was mostly paved, and a tall worn and greying fence. It was borderline bright in here, and I realized for the first time this evening that the moon was full, with a clear sky full of little stars. There was a small pool on one end, with what looked like a hot tub beside it, both in-ground. The greyscale colour scheme seemed to be a feature through the whole house, based on the lounge chairs beside the pool.

The kitchen was beyond the living room, though the only thing that was visible was the stove through the archway connecting the two rooms.

"Well, what do you think?" His words pulled me from my wonder, distracting me from drinking in even more details of his space. What did I think? Somehow the place suited him, it seemed like a place where he could be himself, let his guard down. On the other hand, it is completely unexpected. In some ways, I was anticipating a house that looked as though it was furnished in the victorian era.

I tightened my eyes for a second, trying to figure out what I wanted to say to him about the space. I could see in the corner of my eye that he was staring at me, somewhat eager to hear my response, seeming almost anxious even. "It feels very ... serene in here," I said at last.

I looked at his face then, interested in what he thought about that answer. To my surprise, he furrowed his brow slightly and nodded, clearly not expecting that adjective. "I'm glad you feel comfortable here," he started and then gestured for my coat.

As he hung it up, I wondered what his big secret was. I was almost burning with anticipation, eager to know what I would learn tonight.

"How do you feel about horror movies?" The question was fairly simple, straightforward.

I gave him a small smile. "They're cool."

"Shall we watch one?" I forgot about the plan. Watch a movie, then he will spill his secret. I grimaced slightly, trying very hard to shield the disappointment in my eyes at the idea of postponing the surprise.

"Sure. Whatever one you want, I'm easy." Casual. Keep it casual. I'm sure the secret isn't even that exciting. Maybe he just has a lot of board games or a massive sword collection. Maybe he likes country music, although off-brand it's a potential. He did seem quite embarrassed about it, but I think I too would be embarrassed by my hobbies if I had to tell them to a stranger...

We made our way to another room. In the basement of his house was a small home theatre. The room was a stunning stone grey colour, the wallpaper made to mimic a dark grey rock face. There was soundproofing around the doorway, and a surround sound system subtly mounted in the top corners of the room. At the front of the darkroom was a huge screen, and I saw some gaming consoles sitting neatly on a huge, long entertainment unit.

Each system sat on top of the unit, with the three levels of open shelves packed to the brim with what looked like hundreds of games neatly organized by system type underneath their respective gaming system. To say I was in awe was an understatement.

I heard a soft click, and suddenly the room was filled with soft light, slowly shifting from a pale blue to green, to pink, to orange, throughout the rainbow. The floor of the room had been lined with LED lights, perfect for setting the mood and making the atmosphere a little less stark. He settled the lights on a soft orange glow, creating an instant cosy vibe.

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