Chapter 2 - Unpacking

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The closer I got to my apartment building, the more my current reality set in. This incredibly attractive human being asked to come to my house and help me unpack... I have not prepared for this mentally. Next thing I know, I'm heating up my takeout leftovers in the microwave. The time is just flying by.

I ate my dinner as slow as humanly possible, trying to buy a little more time before he was here. I nervously chewed and swallowed every bite, trying my best to distract myself with a TV show I enjoyed. But regardless of what I did, my mind came back to the idea of him in my house, and how soon that would be. I sighed. It was time.

'Hey, It's Faith. I'm all set.' I sent off to Corpse.

'Be there in 30!' was his reply.

Naturally, I changed into something comfy but cute since we're just unpacking my stuff. I showered and put on my favourite perfume, hoping that smelling good may make this evening go better than this afternoon did. I looked at my mattress on the floor making a mental note to get a bed frame soon. As I was making my bed - just in case - I noticed the box on the floor labelled "underwear." I only kept a week's worth of the stuff unpacked.. I should probably put that box away before he gets here. As I opened the tape, there was a knock on the door.

"Ah shit." I mumbled to myself before getting up and making a mental note to simply avoid unpacking the bedroom for now. Maybe the living room and kitchen will take a while. Maybe he'll get tired before we get there and have to go home. I opened the door and sucked in a breath when I saw him.

Corpse was wearing a simple white tee with baggy jeans, a belt with chains and some black combat boots. His outfit was simple, but the way his shirt stuck to his muscles perfectly outlining them was breathtaking. Earlier I didn't notice his strong yet lean arms. I blinked a couple times pulling myself out of my own ass so I could greet him. "Hey." Was all I managed to choke out.

"Hey, can I come in?" He said, a small playful smile crept onto his face as he watched my eyes travel his body.

"Yes of course, come in." I moved out of the way and gestured inside. My place wasn't much. Nothing too exciting. It had relatively big windows for the space on the 25th floor. The view was lovely, but overall the apartment was fairly small. There was a common area that served as a combination of the living room, dining room, and kitchen. There was a tiny little hallway with a storage closet, a bathroom and my bedroom. It was perfect for me, I've never needed much space, but with the sparse furnishing at the moment the place did look a bit sad. The pile of boxes separating the 'living room' from the kitchen was taking up the majority of the floor space, feeling almost like a wall or a mountain.

"I'm sure this place will look nice once there isn't a wall of cardboard in the middle of it" Corpse joked, eying up the tower of boxes and laughing lightly. "I don't think this will take us too long, even if it looks intimidating."

"Yeah you're right," I said. I closed my mouth and turned around to close the door. When I turned back he had already opened a box and was carrying it towards my kitchen counter. "Hey, Thanks again for helping me with this, you really didn't have to." I said as I grabbed another kitchen box and joined him in putting things away in the cupboards.

"It really isn't a problem" He shrugged, before pulling a stack of plates out of his box. "Plus I wanted an excuse to come and hangout with you. It's my night off anyway." We continued making some small talk as we unpacked the kitchen. We were moving much faster than I thought was possible which was simultaneously saddening and relieving. On one hand, I was glad that he wouldn't be here for several hours unpacking; on the other hand I was sad because our time together was creeping to an end faster than I would have enjoyed.

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