Chapter One - Another Day at the Office

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I jolt awake to the sound of my alarm clock, panicking. Once I realize that it's just simply my phone telling me that it's another day to be alive, I groan and rollover. I don't want to get up yet, I don't really want to do anything today. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I throw the covers off of my mattress on the ground and turn off the horrendous beeping of my alarm. Well, here we go boys.

It was the first day of my new job, in San Diego, where I moved just over a week ago. My small apartment was all boxes, with a couple of essentials out and ready to use. Eventually, I will be all unpacked, but I doubt that will happen today. I sigh as I exit my bedroom, looking at the phat stack of boxes that are taking up the majority of my living space. I run a hand through my hair and dip towards my barely-qualifying bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. I am nervous and already fairly jittery due to the looming day full of new people and places, but coffee is a must. While my espresso brews, I plan my outfit for the day and do the minimal makeup I wear.

I settled for black jeans, a black turtleneck and my Doc Martin Oxfords. Something simple and elegant, yet still dark how I like it. I finished the look with a simple winged look and called it good enough. Grabbing my coffee while heading out the door, I checked my phone for the directions to work. I picked up this office assistant job for a social media agency a couple years ago as a remote worker, and recently they asked me to come and work in the main office with the managers. My new position's tasks were fairly straight forward: answer phones, book meetings, update the managers on their schedules, and greet the clients as they arrive for meetings. It wasn't terribly exciting, but it did pay the bills.

It was going by fairly quickly all things considered, and even though a lot of the clients were fairly famous, they were all very kind! Around half an hour before the end of my shift was when he walked in.

There were three main social media managers I was paired with, Jay Hooks, Mel Stephens and Taylor Hodge. All three seemed relatively friendly and were excited to have a new face in the office. We met very briefly before they all rushed off to their respective offices to get work done, but that was okay with me. Even though it was essentially the same job, I needed a bit of time to get my bearings.

About an hour into my shift, the other office assistant arrived. Their name was Kori, and they seemed very excited to have somebody out in the main area with them.

"The company is expanding really quickly here in San Diego, I was only hired a couple of months back. But with the three new media managers, it was becoming a lot of work for one person. I'm so glad they picked you, you seem really cool!"

Kori and I made small talk for a while before sinking into our work. It was going by fairly quickly all things considered, and even though a lot of the clients were fairly famous, they were all very kind! Around half an hour before the end of my shift was when he walked in.

This man had dark features, was reasonably tall, and arguably the most attractive human being I had ever seen. I felt my breath catch in my throat as he started approaching the desk, and I panicked. How can somebody look that good? And how is anybody supposed to casually interact with another person who looks THAT good? He was getting closer and I was very sure that I was not going to be able to carry any sort of conversation with this stranger.

"Hey. I'm here for my meeting with Jay Hook."

I looked up when he spoke and immediately dropped my eyes. His voice was somehow even sexier than his appearance? I didn't know that it was possible for somebody to have such a low speaking register. And it was HOT. "Uh - yes, you are ... Corpse, I presume?" What a weird name. I struggled to focus on the conversation and stop myself from melting into the chair.

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