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About a month after Harry returned to school after his winter holiday, a letter arrived at Grimmauld Place from Hogwarts. Remus took it into his room, away from prying eyes, and read it over:


My deepest apologies for misunderstanding you when you came to speak to me about Harry Potter's detentions with Dolores Umbridge. Harry spoke with me about the blood quill today. I am drafting a child abuse report to the Ministry, and I will send it off by the end of the night.

It is highly likely that Harry will have to speak before the Wizengamot. With your permission, and if you are willing to help with his testimony, Harry will be coming to speak with you this evening. Physically, he is doing well, but he will benefit from your support.


Minerva McGonagall

Remus's heart raced. He had messed up. He should have stayed and talked to McGonagall longer. He could have helped get rid of Umbridge sooner. He should have known that no matter how corrupt the Ministry had become, they wouldn't allow child torture. It wasn't even that it was a moral issue—it would just look bad if word got out.

But if Harry had finally spoken with McGonagall and told the whole truth . . . either something terrible had happened to him, or Remus had been right. There had been another victim.

Either way, Harry would be here pretty soon, and once the report was filed, the media would be all over this. Whether it was tonight when Harry spoke to them, or in next week's papers, Sirius would find out what had happened. It was best he heard it from Remus first. This was going to be a tough conversation, but he couldn't put it off any longer.

Remus sent off a response to McGonagall, then walked out into the living room to find Sirius reclining on the couch with a newspaper. "Sirius, we need to talk."

Sirius put down the paper and sat up straight. "Is this about the boggart in the hall closet? Because I've tried getting rid of it ten times, and every time—"

"No, no." Remus took a seat on the couch across from Sirius. "This is about Harry."

Sirius's eyes widened, and he slid up to the edge of his seat. "Harry. Is he alright? What happened?"

"He's fine now. We'll see him tonight, he's coming by Grimmauld Place."

Sirius raised his eyebrows. "You're sure he's alright?"

Remus breathed in to affirm it, but he realized he wasn't entirely sure that Harry hadn't been hurt again, and he didn't want to be guilty of any more lying than necessary. "Did he ever talk to you about Umbridge?"

Sirius swore.

"Ah. I'll take that as a yes. But I'm assuming he didn't tell you what she did to him during his detentions?"

"Lines, wasn't it? The toad, I should—"

"Lines with a blood quill."

Sirius's face turned pale. "No."

"McGonagall is filing a report, and—"

"I'll kill Umbridge!" Sirius stormed out of his seat and ran for the Floo. "I'M GOING TO KILL HER!"

Remus whipped out his wand. "Locomotor Mortis!"

Sirius stumbled, and he fell to the floor. "Unlock my legs, Remus!"

"No." Remus kept his wand in his hand, ready to stop his friend if he managed to lunge for the fireplace again. "Not until you promise you're not going to run off and do something reckless."

Speak Now: A Remus Lupin & Harry Potter Hurt/Comfort Mentor FicWhere stories live. Discover now