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Remus couldn't sleep until after two, and he was wide awake before seven. He kept thinking about Harry, and more specifically, why Harry had come to him.

Remus couldn't save Harry from Umbridge. Any of the professors at Hogwarts could, but Remus couldn't, and Harry knew it. Dumbledore may have been distant, and the ministry might have been exercising more power than they ought, but no one would leave a professor in power after she had physically tortured a student. Remus was actually surprised Professor McGonagall hadn't figured out what was happening already—she always was perceptive, especially with the Gryffindors.

Still a bigger surprise was that Harry hadn't even gone to the adult he trusted the most. Remus knew all about the offer Sirius had made to Harry on the night of their reunion—Sirius talked about it enough, longing for the days when he could be the one to care for Harry.

Remus didn't say anything—it wasn't his place, since James had named Sirius Harry's godfather—but secretly, he didn't think it would be a bad thing if such an arrangement didn't become possible until Harry was already of age. The years in Azkaban hadn't changed Sirius's personality, exactly, but that was the problem. He acted much the way he had twelve years ago, while everyone else their age had matured and settled down.

Harry trusted Sirius. Adored him, actually. Sirius loved Harry as well, but in a different way from how Remus did. Sirius didn't really want to be Harry's father; he wanted to be his friend.

And maybe somehow, subconsciously, Harry had known that. He'd known that Sirius would react to Harry's feud with a professor the way he would have reacted if James had fought with a teacher: treating it as a battle to be fought directly and recklessly, rather than a situation to be examined carefully in order to best advise Harry. Sirius would play the role of a friend, not a guardian. He would put himself in danger rather than do what was best to ensure he would survive to guide Harry through his next challenge.

Harry had clearly thought this through, if he had gone to Remus instead of Sirius. But if he'd thought through the reasons why he shouldn't talk to Sirius, he probably had already thought through his reasons for not speaking to a Hogwarts professor. Which meant that Harry had intentionally gone straight to someone who couldn't do anything about the situation.

That meant he was quite serious about not wanting Umbridge to know she had gotten to him. He wasn't willing to seek help, and he didn't want it, which raised another question: why had Harry reached out to anyone at all?

Remus remembered the redness and inflammation of Harry's hand, the swelling around his eyes, and the paleness of his face. He'd been exhausted, and in unbearable pain. He'd reached out for advice because he'd been driven to it by desperation. Remus grimaced.

Harry was trusting Remus to be careful with the information and think it through completely in order to act wisely. Having Harry stay the night hadn't been wrong, but now he had to figure out what to do about Sirius.

As much as he hated lying to his friend, even by omission, it would be best to leave out some details for now, for his protection. It wouldn't be for long—Remus was hopeful that he had planted enough encouragement in Harry's mind to prompt him to speak up to a professor. If he did, Umbridge wouldn't be at Hogwarts for much longer, anyway.

Sirius didn't make it out to the common areas until after nine, long after Remus had already sent word to Dumbledore requesting a day's rest for Harry, and for Dumbledore to grant the request.

"Morning," Sirius mumbled.

Remus brought a finger to his lips, then nodded his head over to Harry, who was still sleeping on the couch.

Sirius's eyes widened. "In here," he whispered, and brought Remus to his room.

Once they were both inside, Sirius closed the door behind himself. Remus kept his demeanor calm and casual, having prepared what he was going to say in advance.

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