Chapter 4: Marshall POV

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We had been working non stop at the studio the past few days. I had been writing like crazy and filling up books like a mad man. The guys were all working hard too, we had festivals coming up in a few months and I was planning to drop an album this year.

Mentally preparing for that, this album was going to be different from what people were used to from me. It could either go very well or turn to shit. Time would only tell.

I had dinner with Alaina and Hailie last night, both of them were doing great and were loving school. It was at that moment sitting across from them at the restaurant that I wondered if they knew Hannah or and of her friends.

What if they did? Did I care enough to stop talking to her? Would I be able to just cut it off like that? I've done it to women countless times over the years and never really gave a shit.

I think the term now was ghost them? If that's true then call me Casper.

I don't want to stop talking to her.

I don't know what I would do if she stopped talking to me.

I was an addict and plain and simple. I had a very addictive personality and had been sober from drugs for years. But I could feel myself slipping into a new addiction. Only this time the 'she' I would be referring to was an actual person. A young woman that had no idea what she was doing to me.

As I was sitting across from my girls I couldn't help but wonder how it would look if Hannah was with me. I had over twenty years on her easily. If it were Hailie or Alaina telling me they were involved with a man twenty years their senior would I be okay with it?

I'm going to go on a limb and say fuck no.

Then I'm a hypocrite.


They had ended the meal telling me that I needed to get out more and meet more people. They had made me promise that I wouldn't attend the same bars or clubs as them, I had reminded Hailie that she shouldn't be at any clubs anyway. She still had a year before she could go out. She only laughed at me along with Alaina.

Today flew by though, I knew it was because I had somewhere to be later. It was Thursday night and that meant The Dome. All of the guys were actually really excited to go back, Royce and Bizzare couldn't wait to see Hannah and her friends.

They had practiced trivia and a bunch of other dumb shit to try and beat them at games. It had been weeks of the same competition. Entertaining as shit to sit back and watch but annoying as hell when they'd fight like bitches about perfecting their "clever tricks".

We decided to head out early and grab food beforehand. While at the sports bar we had run into a few guys, and they decided to join in. We rolled into the building around 8:00, as I looked around quickly I realized this place was really awesome.

Had it been around years ago I know me and the guys would have been here all the time. Proof would have moved in. I laughed to myself thinking about him being in a place like this.

We made our way to the upper level, I grabbed a Red Bull and headed to the railing. Seeing Anna and Ari carrying pizza and beers to their lane, I then saw Julie and Kate but saw no sign of Hannah. I hadn't talked to her in a couple of hours. Last I checked she was still at the after school program she worked at.

I continued to watch silently, while observing and waiting I had shrugged off three bitches advances. A few guys had come over to talk business, some were in the industry and others were athletes. I didn't really care about any of them or what they were saying. If I wanted to work with someone I'd reach out to them and if I wanted to watch sports I had ESPN.

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