Chapter 8: 'Wrong answer, buddy!'

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"I can bring tears to your eyes;

Resurrect the dead, make you smile.

I form in an instant, but last a lifetime.

What am I?"

Noah could practically hear the cogs and gears in his brain turning. It brings tears to one's eyes- no, it can bring tears, that doesn't mean it actually will. It might make one emotional and they had the potential to resurrect the dead.. Maybe not literally so. A memory? By thinking of your loved ones you practically bring them back, memories are formed near instantly... It all checks out. But it would be too obvious. None of the riddles had been obvious so far. No, it had to be something else...

Maybe the resurrection bit was meant to be taken literally. A spell, for example. Spells can do all those things, they're formed in an instant and their effects can last for a lifetime. That too checks out.

Thinking for too long wasn't going to help, he had to make a choice. They were running out of time. Noah took a deep breath, took an unconscious step forward and spoke as confidently as he dared: "A spell. The answer is a spell."

Elisa's eyes widened at his words and she noticed how the flames of the torches turned to a bright red colour. Noah had answered incorrectly. Lis could feel how the colour faded from her body and she couldn't do anything to save him. She already was aware of that.

"Oh god no..." she whispered to herself, before looking at Noah with a frightened look in her eyes.

The sinister laugh that appeared sent a shiver down Noah's spine and he knew that he was more than screwed. With a frightened look in his eyes Noah glanced at Elisabeth who could only gasp and cover her mouth in disbelief. Not much later, he looked at his hands, just as his fingers began turning to yellow sand, flowing into the direction of the hourglass.

"Noah!" Elisabeth yelled at the top of her lungs as she reached out her hand to him, but since he was turning into sand he couldn't reach back to her.

Tears started burning in the corners of Elisa's eyes as she saw how every piece of her fiancé seemed to transform into nothing more than a piece of the desert. He had just about time to let out a startled shriek, before his whole vision consisted of nothing but yellow sand. Right now, Elisabeth was standing in the middle of the chamber, all by herself. Once again the voice of the tomb started to speak to her.

"Tick.. Tock.. Tick.. Tock..

Only 4 more hours on the clock!

Noah's answer wasn't right,

And thus he's now out of your sight!

He is now with Thalia, stuck in time.

Will this be their last finish line?

You must hurry now, before the time is due.

Good luck on doing it all by yourself, dear lady in blue.."

Elisabeth ran her hands through her hair and let out an aggravated sigh, before she knelt down in front of the hourglass and saw the yellow sand whirling around inside, before it started to take shape and formed into none other than the investigator himself, Noah Carter.

He squinted his eyes a little bit and shoved his glasses a bit further on his nose and dusted himself off a little bit. He suddenly also heard a voice calling out from within the hourglass.

"Well, well, well, Thalia.. Looks like you've got company."

The red-haired witch quickly looked up and let out a deep sigh. She already had a gut feeling who could've possibly been trapped in the hourglass. She was secretly praying that it wasn't who she thought it was, but couldn't help but ask.

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