Chapter 6: The wall of riddles

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As soon as Thalia touched the hourglass, a red light starts appearing around her. She quickly looks over to Lis and Noah, but they seem like they are completely frozen in their place. As fast as she can she pulls her hand away from the hourglass and looks down in disbelief. Her fingers are dissolving into sand, starting at the very tip. The sand starts floating towards the hourglass as it moves up her hand, then her arm. Thalia looks at her body in disbelief as it all starts turning into blood-red sand.

The low, positively evil laugh kept resonating throughout the chamber. Every cell in Noah's body wanted to turn around and run as fast as he could, but he couldn't. Neither could Elisabeth. Both of them could only watch in horror as Thalia kept dissolving more and more with each second that passed.

"Thalia!" both of them exclaimed as they took a step forward, but got pushed back by a wave of black magic emanating from the hourglass. Lis had to gasp for air, because of it and grasped Noah's shoulder as tightly as she could, before she started to realise something. That voice? That laughter. It was just like she had heard in her dream that night before. She felt how Noah wrapped his arm around her waist and both of them just kept staring at the red-haired witch.

Thalia looks at Lis and Noah. They still looked somewhat frozen or-- No wait. They were moving but in slow-motion for some reason. Time was slowing down? What on earth was happening. A loud scream left Thalia's lips, before her whole body turns into sand and floats into the hourglass.

"Elisabeth! Noah! Help me!!"

When the last grain of sand is in the hourglass her body starts to form again but now she is as tiny as a scarab. She looks at her surroundings and tries to examine where she is. Glass, glass and once again, glass. Even underneath her feet. Then Thalia suddenly realises she is in the top of the hourglass. She's trapped and she has nowhere to turn.

Suddenly two big faces come towards the glass, confused expressions on both of them. They belong to Lis and Noah. Thalia starts ramming the glass with her fists.

"Guys! Get me out of here!" she screams.

Lis and Noah quickly glance at each other and reach out to find a way on how to open the hourglass, but pull back as soon as the hourglass starts to float mid-air. Out of nowhere. A golden hue seems to appear around it. Within a matter of seconds, the hourglass gets turned around and Thalia falls over, now on the bottom of the hourglass. The sand starts falling on top of her.

"What kind of magic is this!" Elisabeth yelled as she quickly stumbled away from the hourglass. Noah wanted to reply to her, but a charming female voice filled the air. A glimpse of recognition could be seen in Noah's eyes. This was the voice that had lured him inside. 

"Tick.. Tock.. Tick.. Tock..

Your battle is now against the clock! 

8 hours left before she falls 

Hurry up to the riddles on the walls! 

Solve them all one by one

Or else little Thalia will be done!"

 Noah and Lis looked at each other with fear in their eyes. That was basically a death threat right there. If they didn't do what the voice said, Thalia's life would be forfeit. Neither of them wanted that to happen and they were terrified of making a mistake. 

"What on earth do we need to do now?!" Elisabeth asked as she looked how more sand started falling on Thalia's hand. 

"I think we need to solve the riddles on the wall, like that voice just told us! What other fucking choice do we have, love!" Noah replies, clearly confused and worried. "Otherwise Thalia will be stuck in there forever!" 

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