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"Try to imagine a life without timekeeping. You probably can't.

You know the year, the month and the day of the week. There's a clock on your phone, your wall, and in your computer. You have a schedule, a calendar, and a time for dinner. Yet all around you, timekeeping is ignored. The birds outside are never late. A dog does not care for time nor does a cat check his watch.

Man alone measures time. And because of this, man suffers a fear no other creature endures.

A fear of time running out...


Hello there, dear reader! Welcome to the story: Stuck In Time! 

This new and adventurous story was a little group project and got written by three people in total! Let me thank the ones who worked together with me on this incredible new tale!

First of all, Kimberley, the creator and actress of Thalia Darkthorne! Together with her the story got thought out and I'm so glad that she came with the idea! (What one movie night can do...)

Secondly, Hester, the creator and actor of Noah Carter. They've helped bringing the parts that included their character to life and helped a bit with working things out!

Both of them have written out pieces for this story so I could edit the whole thing into a whole piece. Credits to them for the pieces they've written and their creative input, of course! Thank you for making this story complete with me! I could not have done it without your help!

Now, before you start on this story, I do want to put a little trigger warning just in case, because this story includes: Strong language, but most of all the warning is for, death. 

The death sequence is visually written out in Chapter 9: The Ultimate Sacrifice. 

I've been talking for way too long now, haven't I? Let's dive into the sands of Egypt and get started shall we? Have fun with reading this story!

PS: You might need to grab a tissue box at certain points. Make sure you've got one near you just in case, because the drama and the feels are real :P

PPS: This story takes place in the future, 2021. There will be quite the spoiler when it comes to Noah and Elisa's love life, but if you don't mind it? Go ahead and read away!

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