Chapter 1

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Holden POV


Evie surprised and asked "H-Huh!"

Joker crushed him

Not only that....

But h-he single handedly t-took down all the Royals..

There's no easy way to say this...

But Arlo has officially been dethroned....

All his people were defeated...

So a new king is elected in place....

Joker, the new King of Wellston.....

Seraphina's POV

So... this was you all the time..

Why did he lie to me???

Sera, are you alright!?? Evie asked.

"Take me down to the courtyard"

John POV

NO MORE ROYALS...NO MORE HIERARCHY... While stepping on Arlo's head...


A familiar sound...

"How did she know that I am joker" thought john

"Remove the mask...NOW" Demanded Sera angrily...

John with trembling hands and tears in his eyes removed the joker mask and turned towards Sera with his head down...


Dont you Sera me!!! Cutting off john...

I trusted you...Why? Why did you lie to me??? Sera says while holding her tears back...

Look at what you have become...

A Monster!!!!!

John raised his head when he heard that word.. with tears and guilt in his eyes...

After saying that, Sera turned and walked away.....

John couldn't do anything....

Arlo POV

"Where am I?"

How are you feeling now Arlo???

"Doc ??"

"I am fine...."

"What about Remi, Bly-"

Those three are doing just fine....

Sera POV

"How are you feeling now, Arlo??"



"I will be ok"

"I want to know what you guys know about John.... everything"

"Ok "

Hi everyone...
It's me,...

The author...

I hope you liked the first chapter...
It is after the Joker Royal battle....

Support URU CHAN...


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