Chapter 7

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Arthur POV:

As I was walking towards Woaba Boba, I noticed Sera entering the cafe. I ordered a Mango Boba and sat in front of Sera who was immersed in her thoughts.

"It hurts isn't it?" I asked her. She suddenly snapped out and asked me to repeat the sentence. I asked again "it hurts isn't?"

"To see the person you love with another one and ignoring you. As they say Karma's a bitch. It is true in a way. John was still in darkness even after he turned a new leaf and enrolled in Wellston. He was desperately searching for a light. You were that light Seraphina. You led him from darkness to light and made him happy. Overtime he fell in love with you. He was about to propose to you but he saw you unconscious and bloodied. You protected him when he was a cripple, it was his time to return the favour. He wore the mask in order to protect you. That is why he beat Zeke and the kidnappers (mid tiers). That is why he wiped the floor with Juni. He beat all the students who even lay a finger on you or say anything about you. He became Joker and destroyed hierarchy. For whom? For you of course. But you had to call him a monster..."

"He didn't told me anything about his past. He could've have had told me....." she said with a depressed tone.

"Seraphina, let me get this clear. Being friends doesn't mean to share all the secrets. You made a blunder mistake by contacting Claire. Another blunder is to go through his past. Did he ever go into your past? Did he ask anything about your family?" I said sipping the boba.

She was silent for a few minutes.

"Did he ask about your sister who ran away from home and never came back?"

Her eyes widened and she asked me "how did you know about my sister? How??"

I smiled and said " It's so simple. She studied at Holy Trinity High School where she was the queen. She was a late bloomer like John. At that time I was the King. One year after she left, Oliva enrolled into our school and became Queen."

"You will tell me where she is Arthur!" She grinned.

I smiled and said "why should I tell you where the heck she is. Last time I saw that I am stronger than you."

"You don't have Aura Manipulation like John. You only have Plasma Beam."

I smirked and activate my second ability.

Suddenly Sera sensed her ability jumped from god tier to mid tier. She looked at me with her mouth open. She tried to activate her ability but found is suppressed. When she tried to pause time and hit him, she couldn't do that. Out of her hands came a spear. She looked at Arthur who was smiling menacingly at her.

When I deactivated my ability, she found out that her is no longer suppressed, her level rose to god tier again and she could pause time.

"It's been a good time chatting with you Seraphina" I said getting up from my place and walking out of the cafe leaving Sera in her own thoughts.

John POV:

I finally packed everything and I was ready. There was a knock on the door. I said come in. Zane came in to ask me if I was ready. I said I am and went with him to the terrace where Remi,Blyke,Isen were waiting.

I went with Zane and apologised to everyone one of them and then I returned to my dorm where I found a piece of paper on the bag. Zane came in, grabbed the paper and read the contents aloud to me.

I would like to ask you something. Please meet me in the TurfWar Battle Grounds.


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