Chapter 12

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Arthur POV:

After school hours, I went with John to Woaba Boba where we met Zeke and Abel. We shook hands and sat at the counter. I ordered two mango boba for John and Abel ,a cup of coffee for Zeke and a cool drink for myself.

I turned to Zeke, "Tell me what's going on in the school?". "What do you mean?" he asked. Then I motioned John who put his hand in the pocket and took out an envelope and given to Zeke, who took it and read the contents.

" Just few months after John left Wellston, the Ex Royals came back as their suspension ended. Arlo, Seraphina and Remi challenged us for the title. We reasoned with them about Vaughn's warning. But they didn't listen. So we accepted the challenge. Arlo took me on. I gave him a humiliating defeat. Thanks to John here." Saying this, he gave John a two finger salute.

" The next battle was between Abel and Remi. Remi owned the match in the first ten minutes. Then, it was Abel who owned the match....."

"Sorry for interrupting but who exactly who the second match?" I asked cutting him off.

"Well it was Abel. He used explosions creating a huge cloud of smoke. Then when the smoke got cleared, Abel stood over Remi."

"A classic move indeed." John smirked.

" The last match was between Sera and Cecile. The moment I uttered the word 'start' Sera paused time and kicked Cecile and then resumed time. But what she didn't know was that Cecile ropes were homing on her. Sera turned but she was too late. The ropes pierced through her. While Sera was rewinding, Cecile took the opportunity and kicked her in the guts. Then she created a energy dagger and stabbed her in the gut. Sera undid the ropes and tried to punch her but fell after taking a step."

"Are you serious right now? Damn..." John almost yelled, he was just shocked about Cecile's powerful attack. I was astonished as well. "Well! Zeke. Don't keep us in the dark. Tell us what that dagger does?" I asked. "That dagger, when embedded sucks all the energy from the opponent. So when Cecile removes the dagger, Sera lost all of her stamina and fainted, While Cecile sucked all of the energy from the dagger."

"So, any new recruits after John left?" I asked Zeke. He nodded and replied, " Well there was only one student and his name was Neji. He is a god tier who can block off the aura points in the body."

I was perplexed when he said Neji's name. While Abel and John left to pay the bill, I asked Zeke to show the photo of the newbie. He took out his phone and showed me his photo.

(Imagine him without the headband and wearing the school dress

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

(Imagine him without the headband and wearing the school dress. Eye colour is golden yellow.)

Ability: Jougan
Level: 8.9

Arthur POV:

A bead of sweat raced down my face when I saw him. No doubt, he is Neji. He is one of the members who sided with Naruto and Edward. I thanked him. He took out a sheet and gave to me. I gave him a confused look.  "It's the strengths and weaknesses of Ex Royals and Neji."

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