Part 9

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A few days had passed since Lux had chosen Ahsoka, and to Ahsoka, those days had been pure bliss. While they were still fighting a war, she was more relaxed. Her vision was no longer clouded and she could see everything clearly. This led to more precise attacks and higher performance on the field of battle. She almost forgot the fact that she was carrying a child at some points during the fighting.

When they weren't fighting on the battlefield or strategizing, Ahsoka and Lux would spend time alone in their now shared quarters. They would just lay on the best together watching a movie or something on the holo. Ahsoka would lay her head and montrals on Lux's chest and just rest there with Lux's arm around her. When they were in this cuddling position, Ahsoka felt safe, like nothing could hurt her. She felt invincible.

However, while Ahsoka and Lux's redound love didn't come with all positives. Steela had clearly not been at her best since Lux's decision. The once sharpshooting sniper, was now missing shot after shot, barely getting a hit. She tried to mask her pain when around others, but those who knew her well could tell something was off, and they knew why. Another adverse effect was Saw. He was pissed at Lux, and that made it tough for them to agree on tactic and get anything done. Saw knew he couldn't change how Lux felt, but what really irked him was how he led his little sister on that whole time, just to break her heart.

The feud between Lux and Saw had begun to split the rebels. Some stuck with Saw and some with Lux when they butted heads. They didn't know the real reason why, but this caused a lot of turmoil in the rebellion, and it was on the verge of collapsing. Saw had already gone against the advice of nearly everyone else and attempted to rescue King Dendup from captivity, which ended in him being captured, and nearly getting them all killed. Had it not been for Ahsoka defying the Council's orders, they all would've been killed. They had to flee their base in the city and set up camp in the Onderon Highlands, and this was a much less advantageous spot then their base in the city. For one, now they were cut off from the people and could not gain more support from them, and secondly the base was in the open, leaving them susceptible to air attacks, which had been giving them major problems. The aircraft the Separatists were using had shields that made it impossible to take them down using regular blasters.

Ahsoka was laying with Lux when she got a transmission. When she got out the holo-pad and answered the call, she saw the face of her Master and Obi-Wan. She quickly shoved Lux out of the bed, but it was too late.


"Calm down Skyguy. We were just cuddling and watching a movie okay? Clothes are all still on this time," she moved the holo-pad to show her clothed body, "so you don't have to worry about anything alright?"

"Trust your padawan Anakin. I mean you taught her. I'm sure she wouldn't do anything you would do. I'm sure she's learned her lesson," Obi-Wan said.

"I sure hope she has," he said giving Ahsoka a look. "And don't you mean you're sure she wouldn't do anything I wouldn't do?"

"No, I meant what I said. I'm sure she wouldn't do anything you would do." Ahsoka had previously been trying to stifle her laugh, but could no longer after seeing the bewildered look on Anakin's face.

"Can Snips, you're the one that got pregnant."

"And Senator Amidala's not?" Ahsoka asked cocking an eyebrow. Lux, who had been silent the entire conversation let out an audible gasp, while Anakin's face went from one of triumph to one of surprise and anger.

"How do you know that?"

"Well, Anakin, you and Padme have not been the best at hiding your love," Obi-Wan interjected.

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