Part 7

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The past few days had been crazy. Their base was now locate inside of the city, allowing for them to hit some targets, and get noticed. Nothing too large yet, as their numbers were not big enough yet, but they began to grab the attention of the Separatist ruler, King Rash, and the people. The attacks were still largely being coordinated by Anakin, Obi-Wan, Rex and Ahsoka, as the rebels were not yet ready.

They had a new problem now though, the people were becoming fearful of the rebel attacks. Some thought it would bring more droids and limit their freedom even further, others were worried about potential damage to the city itself. They needed to convince the people that they could win, they needed a strong voice to speak to the people of Onderon. Lux was the obvious choice, but he had been quiet recently.

Since Ahsoka had told Lux about her pregnancy, he had been fairly distant, only leaving his room really for briefings and the occasional attack. He rarely spoke, and seemed unmotivated to do anything. People had started to notice, but whenever someone would ask what was up, he would just shake them off, saying he was fine.

Ahsoka was not much better off. She kept a level headed facade, as others were not to know of her relationship with Mr. Bonteri, but people close to her knew it was just an act. They knew that deep down she was hurting for some reason. Anakin had tried to talk to her, but she had shut him out saying she didn't want to talk about it.

Ahsoka was just laying with her face down in her bed when she heard the door open. She didn't even have to look up to know who it was. "Hey Snips," he spoke softly.

"What do you want master?" Ahsoka asked slightly annoyed, not moving from her position.

"I just came to tell you that Obi-Wan, Rex, and I are leaving. We have to return to Coruscant by demand of the Council. They want you to stay as an advisor... if you're okay with that. I can make up some excuse as to why you can't stay if you'd like to return to Coruscant with us."

Ahsoka thought for a moment. She could keep moping around here like a little kid, potentially losing the love of her life right before her very eyes, or she could go back to Coruscant, have... an abortion, and forget all about Luxor Phillip Bonteri. Focus on her career as a Jedi. It was a very tempting thought.

Ahsoka was so engrossed in thought that she didn't even notice Anakin walk all the way into the room or sit at the foot of her bed until she felt the weight shift on the bed. She turned around and looked at him and what Anakin saw shocked him. Ahsoka's eyes were red and puffy, and tear stains could clearly be seen on her cheeks. At the sight Anakin's heart broke. He immediately grabbed Ahsoka and pulled her into a hug. She didn't even hesitate in wrapping her arms around him and burying her face into his robes.

Anakin started to rub circles on the crying teenagers back in an attempt to calm her down. "Shhhhhh... shhhhhh... it's okay taziunt," Anakin said using her native tongue as he always did when she was upset.

After a few moments, Ahsoka pulled away and wiped the tears from her face. "T-thanks Master."

"Of course Snips, I'm always going to be here for you," he replied with a big grin. Ahsoka giggled and smiled a bit, but it was short lived. A frown soon reappeared on her face, causing one to also make its way onto Anakin's.

"Snips," he started but hesitated. He knew how she could get when talking about things that upset her, but he decided that this was important and she had been dodging his questions long enough. He had an idea, but wanted to hear her say it. "What's going on with you? These last few days you've not been your usual snippy self. You've moped around, been lazy on assignments, and even messed up a few times in the heat of battle. You've been completely anti-social, locking yourself in your room, hell I just came in here and found you crying into your pillow. I'm just worried about you Ahsoka."

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