"Narcissa?" he repeated, "as in—"

"As in my sister," she finished, almost smiling. "Narcissa Black."

James potter took an involuntary step back, nostrils flaring. "You're saying I'm a—"

"I'm saying you would've made a great Black if things had worked out a little differently."

His jaw twitched, and the barriers that kept his hatred up came crashing down. "You dare say that to me?" he snarled, stalking towards her, " you little—"

Lupin darted forward and grabbed Potter's arm. "Easy James." he placed a calming hand on his shoulder.

"Did you hear what she said about me?"

"Yeah," he said, fighting a grin. "And you deserved it. You're being a jackass."

"Don't be so quick to defend her, Remus," Sirius cut in, laughing. He clearly found James' and Andromeda's conversation amusing. "Andromeda can take of herself. Did I ever tell you guys about what she did to me when I threatened to set her Shakespeare collection on fire? She freakin' set my hair on fire."

"Really?" Peter Pettigrew finally spoke, his voice sounding squeakier and mousier than Andromeda thought possible.

"Yep, that's our Andromeda, the little spitfire."

Andromeda wasn't sure what she was doing, but the next second, she was slamming her book into her bag, swinging her bag over her shoulder, and storming off toward the castle.

"Hey Wait! Andromeda, don't get all hot under the collar, I was only joking." Sirius shouted after her.

She turned. "I'm not really in a joking mood right now."

He held up his hands. "All right. Jeez, what's got you so uptight?"

She opened her mouth, but had no idea what to say. She closed it and stared at the ground in front of her, swallowing. "Nothing, I'm just... stressed, that's all."

"Because of the engagement?"

His words hit her like a slap, and she stiffened, her eyes narrowing, but it was too late. The damage was done.

"Engagement?" Potter said, like he was sure he'd heard it wrong, and then he looked over at her. His face was contorted and pinched, like he'd just smelled something awful. "You're getting married?"

"Married?" Peter Pettigrew said, sounding almost afraid of the word.

"Yep," Sirius answered, his eyes never leaving Andromeda's face. "To Rabastan Lestrange, of all people."

"Why the hell would you want to marry him?" Potter said, disgusted.

"He's very handsome?" Remus said from behind them.

Potter turned toward him. "You think he's handsome, Moony?" His lip was still curled, but his usual overconfident smile was back in place. "Is there something you're not telling us?"

"You ask why somebody would want to marry him." He gave his friend an almost reproving look. "And in our modern society that's a very applicable answer."

"Right," Potter said, returning to Andromeda, his eyes gleaming. "So is that it, Andromeda? Is that why you want get in bed with—"

"Don't be a prat." Sirius cut him off. "It's arranged. Isn't it, Meda?"

"Arranged?" Potter said, he had apparently decided he found this topic amusing, not disgusting. "You guys still do that?"

Andromeda suddenly had the urge to throw her book at his head, or give him tentacles on his face, but instead she said. "Yes, Mr. Potter, we do. Us and barbaric ways."

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