Chapter 45

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She literally had the letter in her hand when she ran into Rodolphus. He was coming down from the owlery himself. She let out a tiny squeak and then wanted to hit herself.

Rodolphus raised an eyebrow as he came to stand next to her. "Andromeda, are you all right?"

"Yes, quite." Her voice was an octave higher than usual, which only caused his eyebrow to rise further.

"What do you got there?" he asked, noticing the letter she'd been trying to subtely hide in her cloak before he noticed it.

She swallowed. "Just a letter to my parents." Informing them that I'm calling off my engagement to your brother.

Rodolphus was still staring at her, he seemed unsure whether he want to be amused or suspicious, and had settled for both.

Andromeda curtsied, as was her custom. "Good day." She did her best to smile politely, instead of cringing like she wanted to, and then brushed past him up the stairs. She had not gone far when he said, "Rabastan has seemed down lately, but he won't tell me why."

Andromeda froze. She knew why, but she couldn't tell Rodolphus, which meant she needed to come up with a lie and fast.

"I can't help but think it has something to do with you." He glanced at her, and her face flushed guility. Damnit. There went her first lie, she was going to have to think of another.

"I know I have been busy preparing for my NEWTs, and perhaps I have not been as attentive as I should have been." She hung her head guiltily. She didn't have to feign guilt.

"I guessed as much, which is why I have arranged a little—outing— for you too this evening."

Andromeda's face grew redder. Rodolphus had arranged a date for her and Rabastan, after she'd broken his brother's heart? Nothing sounded more uncomfortable.

"Forgive me, but I am otherwise engaged this evening." Not technically true, but who was counting. "Perhaps another time."

"You mistake me, my dear sister," Rodolphus leered. "That was not a request. You will meet Rabastan in the entrance hall at 7pm tonight. Do not be late." And without giving her a chance to respond, he turned and swept down the staircase, disappearing from sight.

Despite Rodolphus's implied threat, Andromeda was very tempted to skip the "outing" tonight, regardless. The tension between her and Rabastan would be unbearable, but she feared if she did not come Rodolphus would only grow more suspicious.

She had also delayed sending the letter. There was the slimmest chance word would have reached her family before the evening, and then they could've resorted to faster means to speak with their children, which might have resulted in Rabastan or Rodolphus receiving word before their date.

Now she had guilt for a different reason, not only had she delayed the official end of her engagement, even though she'd promised Ted she wouldn't, but she was going on a date with Rabastan. She would just have to pray Ted didn't find out, or if he did, he would forgive her.

She was not late, but Rabastan was waiting for her when she arrived. It occurred to her sometime earlier that Rodolphus had not given any indication as to what this evening would entail, meaning she had no idea what to wear. She had eventually settled for one of her simpler dress robes, a black silk number with silver trim. Rabastan seemed to have had the same idea, based on the way he tugged nervously on his dress robes sleeves, uncertain if should be wearing them at all.

He smiled when he saw her, though it was strained. "I'm sorry," he said when she finally reached him. "I told my brother this wasn't necessary, but he insisted."

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