chapter 56

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For a moment, they were all stuck in silence, then they exploded.

"Oh my God!" shouted Lorie.

"I told you this was a mistake," snarled Olivia.

"How the hell did they even find us?" was Jake's answer.

"We've got to get out of here, now," Ted Raced over to Andromeda. She couldn't take her eyes off Star though, who was beginning to tremble.

"We need to apparate!" Jake continued.

"Where to?" Liv asked.

"Does it matter?" Ted seethed. "Just pick some place." When Andromeda continued to stare at the Elf he took her hands in his.

"Andromeda," his voice was soft, but earnest. "We need to go."

Rather than replying she held her finger up. Luckily, her strange behavior silenced the rest of them as well. Star was trying to say something, but she didn't dare speak over the wizards.

"What is it, Star?" When Star continued to tremble she reached out to steady the Elf.

"Tell me," she said gently, but firmly.

"I'm sorry, mistress," Star's eyes filled with tears. "But, if they find me here... if they realized I told you..."

"It's all right," Andromeda smiled. "Go home, Star. And thank you."

Star's trembling subsided, and she even gave Andromeda a small smile before disappearing.

And just like that, the panic her worry over Star had kept dormant suddenly resurfaced. And yet, it didn't. It was like her body knew she should be terrified, which was why heart started racing and her palms got sweaty, but her brain couldn't process it. It just felt fuzzy.

Ted squeezed her hand, and she glanced up to find him staring at her. They all were, actually. Shock lined most of their faces, especially Liv's. Not Ted's though, his face just seemed to glow.

And just like that, everything seemed to click. Bella and Rodolphus were coming. They had hurt Ted before, and nothing would stop them from doing ut again now now. She couldn't let that happen.

"We need to go somewhere full of muggles." She was surprised at how steady her voice sounded. "They'll have a harder time finding us there."

"Wembley Stadium," Jake said without hesitation. "Doesn't get any more muggle than that."

Andromeda had no idea what that meant, but there was no time to argue. She whipped out her wand, as did everyone else. Well, everyone except for Lorie.

Her lip was trembling as she said, "I haven't passed my apparition test."

"What?" Liv screeched, and Andromeda felt her body clam up again.

"I figured I would just try again seventh year," Lorie said in a panicked voice. "I didn't think I'd need it."

"Can anyone do side along?" Liv asked, but everyone shook their head.

Her heart was pounding so hard she couldn't think. She glanced at Ted. If they found her, alone, she could lie about where she had been. There was still a way to keep him safe.

"Then we should run," Olivia said. Once again, no one argued. They merely raced out the door. "There's a bus station this way," Olivia shouted over her shoulder. As they reached the road Andromeda turned and raced off in the opposite direction Olivia had indicated.

At least she tried too, Ted grabbed on her arm before she had taken so much as two steps.

"What are you doing?" he hissed.

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