Chapter 35

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Andromeda had never been so excited for Valentine's day, and it was a rather frightening feeling. It had taken some careful planning on hers and Rabastan's part, but they had finally gotten everything into place. All that was left was to make sure they were in the right place at the right time to witness the fruits of their labor.

She hadn't been surprised when Rabastan had accepted the terms for their date, what surprised her was how excited he was about fulfilling them. He had put so much energy and effort into the preparations, she could have sat back and relaxed if she had wanted too.

She checked her watch again. It was just after five, meaning Rabastan was already waiting for her, but for once, the idea didn't bother her. She smoothed down her hair one more time in the mirror and then bounded down the stairs.

"Andromeda," he said, the moment she came into view. "You look lovely."

She glanced down at her pale-pink dress robes. "The robe is Narcissa's. Apparently, everything I own is too drab for Valentine's Day."

He laughed. "I get the feeling this isn't the first time she's taken control of your wardrobe."

"Nor the last," she said, while he offered her his arm. She slipped hers inside, relishing the comfort his presence brought. She never thought she'd feel like this with someone else again.

They arrived at Madame Pudifoot's with time to spare, but that gave them time to go over their plan again. Even though they had already done it a million times, it never hurt to be sure.

"There's their table!" Andromeda shout-whispered, unable to contain her excitement. Madame Pudifoot caught her staring and gave her a thumbs up. She still couldn't believe Rabastan had roped her into this, but she was sure his smooth charisma had won her over in an instant. It didn't seem like many people said no to him, except for maybe his brother.

Even so, she couldn't believe Madame Pudifoot had gone through all this trouble simply because Rabastan had batted his eyelashes. The table was set in a far corner, and she'd even put up curtains around it to give it a bit more privacy. A single rose hovered above the table, and she had somehow charmed it to glow, giving a romantic-themed light to the whole area. Individual rose petals gently danced around the table as well, giving the whole thing a surreal feel. If she knew her sister, which she did, she would be charmed from the moment she walked in.

She glanced at Rabastan. "Are you sure Lucius is coming?"

He smiled slyly. "I told him to be here and to take credit for whatever was attributed him, regardless of whether he had any hand in it or not."

Andromeda raised an eyebrow. "And he agreed to that?"

Rabastan shrugged. "Eventually." Then he cast her a glance. "Are you sure Narcissa is coming?"

It was Andromeda's turn to smile slyly. "I told her we were having our first official date. She'll be here. Trust me."

As if to prove her point, Madame Puddifoot's door swung open, and a familiar head of luscious blond curls walked in. Narcissa scanned the already assembled couples until her eyes rested on Andromeda and Rabastan. Her eyes immediately lit up and she gave Andromeda a tiny little wave before edging her way into a corner table. She tried to pretend she was intensely interested in her nails, but her glances in their direction every five seconds gave her away. Andromeda and Rabastan glanced at each other, and then looked away quickly to keep from laughing.

No sooner had they managed to stifle their giggles then Madame Pudifoot waltzed over to Narcissa and beckoned her to follow. With a confused and excited look, Narcissa followed her over to the table she had prepared. Her eyes widened as she glanced around, but the only people she could see were Andromeda and Rabastan, who made sure to pretend they were in deep conversation and oblivious to Narcissa's existence. Out of the corner of her Andromeda could see a familiar excited flush rush into her sister's cheeks, and she allowed herserlf a small smile. But there was just one problem, where was Lucius? She could see that Rabastan had the same question. But just as they were about to get worried the door swung open and Lucius rushed in.

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