Chapter 38

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Andromeda had never felt comfortable in her common room, but after the events of Saturday, she no longer felt like a stranger there. She felt like an outcast. An exile. Conversations stopped when she entered the room, and all eyes swiveled on her. If eyes had daggers, she would have bled out already. Of course, she wanted nothing more than to avoid the common room, because she knew sooner or later she would find her, and Andromeda would rather that encounter not be public.

We often don't get what we want.

"Andromeda Black!" Her screech echoed through the entryway before she'd even had time to open the door. By the time she'd flung it open and stepped inside, all eyes were swiveled on Andromeda once again, giving her a clear view of her prodigal sister.

Andromeda scarcely had time to breathe before Bellatrix screeched, "Outside! Now!" Bellatrix usually had a dangerous air about her, but today she looked positively feral. Her usually glossy black hair was wild and unkept, falling in strands around her face. She was breathing so hard her chest seemed ot swell to twice its normal size. Her eyes were like snake slits and her jaw was clenched so tight it looked like it might break.

Delaying her would only make it worse, so Andromeda scurried forward, willing herself not to trip with all these eyes on her. It was embarrassing enough already. Of course, once Bella was done with her she might not have to worry about trivial things such as embarrassment anymore.

Last time her sister had wanted to speak with she'd led her to an empty classroom, but there was no time for that now. As the door swung shut behind them she pinned Andromeda and snarled,

"You bloody traitor! I ought to rip you limn from limb!"

Andromeda needed to choose her next words carefully, as her sister looked quite capable of doing just that.

"I'm sorry!" she choked she could barely breathe with all the weight her sister was putting on her neck.

"Your apologies mean nothing! Not anymore!" She could have sworn her sister's black eyes flashed like flame as she screeched. She was like a fiery demoness, beautiful, but terrible.

Andromeda should be afraid, and her body was shaking like she was but her voice was surprisingly steady as she said. "But apologies are all I have."

Bellatrix paused. Andromeda wasn't sure what she expected, but it clearly wasn't that, a moment later her flame returned as she bellowed, "How could you do this to your family! Do you have any idea the shame this has brought us! Rumors are already spreading."

Andromeda could only imagine, but knowing the gossiping culture of Hogwarts she was sure there were already wild versions where she pulled her wand on each of her housemates and turned them into toads.

"Hurting our family was not my intention," she heaved. She was still waiting for the panic, but it wasn't coming. Perhaps it was because she had been anticipating her sister's onslaught. It was terrible, but not shocking.

Bellatrix stared at her intently. Her confusion over Andromeda's response causing her to momentarily forget her furious rage. "Then what was?"

Andromeda took a deep breath. "I'm tired of all the violence."

Bella's eyes went wide and her grip on Andromeda loosened. "The what?"

She took another breath, then. "I'm not like you. I don't revel in the sufferings of others."

It felt so weird, to speak the truth to her sister for once. She couldn't remember the last time she had done so.

"You think I do this for me!" Bella was shrieking again, but it wasn't the same as before. She no longer sounded vengeful, she sounded defensive. "I do this for our kind! We must stand against their kind before they run us out!"

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