"This is so pretty" she signed, she was beginning to sign full sentences, only if she knew all the words though.

"You are too" he signed back.

"I thought you didn't like signing in public" Aubrey said

"Well you did it and I didn't want to leave you hanging" he said shrugging. Truthfully he was okay doing it in public when he wasn't the only one doing it.

"Well thanks I guess, also you look really cute too" she said

"Thank you, it took me a while to find this shirt" Josiah wasn't really a dressy person his wardrobe didn't consist of any formal clothing, so he had to shop for something.

"Well you did a good job, we should go on more formal dates so I can see you like this more often"

"Yeah we should because you look whew" he said

"Thank you again, what's good to eat here?" She asked

"I usually eat the seafood meal, you like crab and lobster right?"

"There's crab and lobster on it?" Aubrey asked

"Yeah two lobster tails and 3 crab clusters"

"Well yeah I want that, I probably won't be able to finish it though"

"You can take it home and eat it for breakfast like a weirdo" he said. He found it odd that Aubrey ate any kind of food at any hour of the day, his body didn't operate that way.

"It's not weird, food has no designated time"

"I'm not having this conversation with you again" he said

"Yes because you know I'm right" she said.

The two held light conversation while they ate until they were both full. He managed to eat most of the food which surprised Aubrey because she couldn't even it half.

"Can we just walk around" Aubrey said as they approached the car. She didn't want the night to be over just yet.

"Yeah, you wanna get on the Ferris Wheel?" He asked.

"Mhm I've never been on one" she said as he got a sweater out his trunk.

The line was short so the two were able to get on as soon as they got there.

"I have a question" Aubrey said as they'd got settled onto the ride.

"Go ahead"

"Have you ever did this exact thing with another girl?" Aubrey asked making him laugh

"No, well you're my first like- well I have a question to ask before I finish"


"I want you to be my girlfriend"

"Really?" She asked pretending she didn't know he'd ask her tonight.


"Well yes I'll be your girlfriend" she said kissing him just as the Ferris wheel reached the top.

"Now finish" Aubrey said wanting to get back to the other subject.

"so yeah, you're my first adult girlfriend, and first girl I've been on dates with since I've been an adult so I couldn't have taken anyone else here" he explained

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